Would you trade your M1 Super 90 for an M4 Super 90?


New member
If you could only have one...well...would ya...punk?

Pic rail
More reliable (supposedly) with more weightgaining goodies on board (optics, taclight, sidesaddle)

Lose 1 round
No dedicated foreend light (yet?)
I have a M3 S90 and it has never malfunctioned with slugs, buckshot or field loads. I can't imagine the M4 being more reliable than that (not possible) so - NO - no trade here!
I have a M3 S90 and it has never malfunctioned with slugs, buckshot or field loads. I can't imagine the M4 being more reliable than that (not possible) so - NO - no trade here!

With a taclight and sidesaddle?? If Surefire never comes out w/ a taclight for it I probably won't get one.
Same here, the M1S90 is all that I need. Paying 1K+ for another semi-auto that gas operated is not on my list.

fwiw:I'll buy the M3 before the M4.
Nah, my M1S90 works fine with a Surefire as-is. Never a misfeed, even with birdshot and low recoil buck/slugs.
