would you pull your gun?


New member
anyone see the video on the news a couple days ago, it was a pizza place(take out only it looked like), people were waiting in line when a woman came in and just cut right in front of everyone, a guy was talking on his cell phone and apparently made a comment about her that she didnt like because she went to him and kinda put her finger to his face, he slammed down his phone and before he could turn around her 300 lb fatass boyfriend was wailing away at the guy, the other people who were there just stood and watched. would this guy have been justified in pulling and using his gun in this case? i would think so, a 300 pound guy hitting you in the head could have bad results.
Depends on the situation. In Texas, it's legal IF you feel that your life is threatened. Understand that you will need to explain why you felt that way to a court of 12.
well i am 5'5 and 140, if a 300 pounder was pounding on me, i definately would feel my like was in danger. i would think a jury would agree, but then you just never know. that was the dissapointing thing about the texas cwl class, i didnt think it went into enough detail on things like that, but i guess you cant cover everything in an 8 hour class.
I'm 6'6" 225lbs and if anyone come up and tries to cold-cock me I don't care if he's 3 foot tall and 55lbs,he's gonna get shot.They would be looking for a piano crate to bury that fat bastard in.Then I'd make sure his skank girlfriend was charged with accessory in his death for instigating the whole thing.
Would you pull your gun

My CHL instructor told us if given time, get into the proper stance to draw, be ready to draw, and inform the person that you are armed, to back off, and that you will use force. Do not draw unless absolutely necessary.

Obviously we may not have that time. In such case, yes I
would use deadly force if I thought my life was in danger!
25 years ago I had the option of shooting or find another alternative. I put a shot in the ground and the situation defused very quickly.

I think you'll know when it is time to be terminal. I still had options so I opted to try one more thing to avoid a shooting. Indeed, I think a warning shot is a good idea if it can be done safely.
Don't let UFO, master mall ninja book reader, hear you say anything about firing a "warning shot". He might cry or spaz out.

Jungle Work
I definately feel that the guy would have been justified simply because he had alraedy been assaulted by the GM (Ghetto Momma) and the BG was clearly a physical threat. Of course this guy made a BIG mistake by standing toe to toe and arguing with the GM. At that point he lost the ability to critically reason and thus pulling out a gun would have been not in his best interest.
I think that the victim's biggest mistake was agitating the situation instead of trying to difuse and/or avoid it all together. It's never smart to argue with crazy and unreasonable person, much less two.
The BerettaMan wrote:

I'm 6'6" 225lbs and if anyone come up and tries to cold-cock me I don't care if he's 3 foot tall and 55lbs,he's gonna get shot.

So a guy half your size comes up to you and takes a swing, and you shoot him? Good luck making THAT look justified to a jury. You can't just shoot someone for swinging on you, no matter how big they are, you must be in serious threat of death or great bodily harm. I doubt you could convince the jury that at 6'6" and 225lbs, the 3 foot guy caused you to fear for you life.
I'm going to have to side with Derius on this one. You must prove that you feared serious bodily harm (let alone death in this situation). That huge guy could've beaten that cell phone idiot to death or broken a bone (usually standard for serious bodily harm). But a tiny guy coming up to you and hitting you (would it make a mark? :) ) would be a VERY tough case. Hope that you get a bunch of us on that jury.
There is an issue here about who started the confrontation. If someone says something to you and you respond verbal without physically moving toward that person you are probably clear. However if you move forward, speak in an aggressive manner and make a physical gesture or contact it could be construed that you escalated the situation. If so even then if you are attacked the level of the bar to prove you were defending yourself just got real high.

A 300 pound guy pounding on you will not justify using you gun if it can be construed you started or escalated the confrontation when you knew you had a gun, especially if the assailant did not know you did.

I am not sure in this case who did what and how. Yet, a good rule of thumb is do not start or escalate any confrontation while carrying your gun. Its a no win situation
Just another thought.

Hey Berrettaman

If you ever use a gun and this thread is still retreivable on the NET you are in for the time of your life trying to justify your actions. Your statement is the kind a Prosecuting Attorney prays for in discovery.
Lethal force unfortunately is usually determined by a prosecuter and later by either a Judge or jury if the prosecuter feels lethal force was not warrented. Alot also depends on how they also interpret the laws of the givin state. Firing a warning shot can get you killed if the other person has a gun concealed it gives them the right to use lethal force with thier gun as you fired first but it also depends on the degree of threat they presented, also it has been proven in firefights that time is of essence and firing a warning gives the other person time to aim and shoot you, also where is the shot going? Berettaman, I have to agree with FISHDEEP, a macho attitude with a gun will get you either dead or in prison, its statements and actions like you proposed like this that give the antis ammunition to limit or ban gun ownership. All it accomplishes is making the gun community look like a bunch of irreponsible dangerous gunslingers, and there are trolls from the antigun crowd that surf sites like these and use posts like yours to prove thier point!
I'd fall back to the ol' "I can run faster scared than you can mad..." adage. Some things aren't worth fighting over and pizza is one.