would you prefer Over or Under...

but the answer is yes .....for almost anything !! ...( unless it was made in Italy, then maybe not ! ) ....:D for an Over Under..

Woops - you said Over or Under.... ( as in barrel selection maybe ??) ...for something ...

...is this a senior moment - where you forgot what you were asking ...??
OK, if you have to see it... :rolleyes:

I don't know ...but you better work with her --- to get her head down on that stock.../ or she'll blame you, when it beats the stuffing out of her ...
First, she needs that auto saftey disengaged. Second, I'd wager shes shooting sporting clays because thats the hold thats being taught by alot of NSCA instructors right now. Pre mount and get your head up off the gun and look for the targets.
after 20 years of shooting sporting clays...

I've switched to gun up position, with head up looking back at the trap. Upon release I just cheek the stock, insert the barrels in front of the clay, keep 'em moving and pull the trigger. Works allot better for me than gun down position...
>>but you better work with her --- to get her head down on that stock<<

I'd say she's calling for the bird, so to speak.
"Break point, foot position, hold point, visual..."
We have new sporting clay shooters reapeat that till they hear it in their sleep. Eventually the cranial rectumitis clears and they realize it works...
I was instructed to teach, pre mounted, head off the gun. Thats an easy position for a newbie to learn. It helps them learn to see the birds and come to hard focus just before the shot.

I shoot pre mounted. Head position depends on the presentation...
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Low Gun here for most everything. Exceptions, Olympic trap and some trap style presentations.

For instance, PGC has one station where the birds are launched about 90 degrees apart. As singles they're gimmies, following or report pairs pretty much the same.

But a simo has me dancing and cussing. So, that gets premounted, I take the first one fast and then go for the longer bird.