Would you pay over $800.00 for a case of 9mm JHP's?


New member
I surf for ammo on Sunday's, I usually buy all of my ammo in bulk from SGammo, who have always maintained a reasonable mark-up compared with the other online sources, some of which are gouging so profoundly that pictures speak better then any words of mine, here's one such example,


I haven't purchased ammo from these guy's in over six years, but even back then they were more in line with the pricing at Gander Mountain, then as a large internet bulk wholesaler. :rolleyes:

I've seen similar ammo at SGammo for $499.00 per case, be careful folks, and shop wisely!
I certainly wouldn't pay $800 for a case of JHP in any caliber, but then again I have no need for 1000 rounds of JHP ammo in any caliber in the first place. So long as the recoil impulse and POI are similar, plain old FMJ works just fine for practice, so I only need a few boxes of JHP ammo here and there for self-defense, hunting, verifying reliability, and/or rotating out my old stocks of ammo. Buying ammo by the case is something I do for ammo that I'm going to be shooting high volumes of and premium JHP doesn't fit into that category for me.
Depends on your perspective. If you buy 20 round boxes for $25 from Cabellas, that $800 might seem like a bargain. But I agree buying 1000 rounds of carry ammo at once is nuts.
They are a good, reputable company. I only live an hour away from their store that is in Independence, Texas. They are good local Texans who started out real small and blew up but still kept their humbleness and small town hospitality. I used to buy lots of ammo from the store and their website after the Newtown shootings a few years back when ammo and certain guns were so scarce, they were the closest place that kept. 223/5.56, and. 300 Blackout in constant inventory.
Now 800 dollars seems kind of high but federal is good ammo. But as far as the company goes they are good. I still buy ammo occasionally from their website and have never had one single problem with them and the trips I've made to their store have always been good and well worth it. Some of their ammo is priced high, but some of it is priced at a good deal.
In the past year, as the panic has settled some what I have watched Federal 55gr .223 go from an average of .50 a round to .30-35 cents today. Other calibers have seen the same movement except rimfire which remains high. Who says ammo prices do not fluctuate up and down.
Not without trying a box first. Wouldn't really want Federal though. Brass is known for being softer than other brands. Doesn't last as long when reloading.

Yep ammo prices sure do fluctuate. 4 years a go I used to have to pay over 20 dollars for a box of. 300 Blackout, now I can go to academy and buy a box for 14 dollars.
They are a good, reputable company. I only live an hour away from their store that is in Independence, Texas. They are good local Texans who started out real small and blew up but still kept their humbleness and small town hospitality. I used to buy lots of ammo from the store and their website after the Newtown shootings a few years back when ammo and certain guns were so scarce, they were the closest place that kept. 223/5.56, and. 300 Blackout in constant inventory.
Now 800 dollars seems kind of high but federal is good ammo. But as far as the company goes they are good. I still buy ammo occasionally from their website and have never had one single problem with them and the trips I've made to their store have always been good and well worth it. Some of their ammo is priced high, but some of it is priced at a good deal.

Kind of high, its almost double what is being charged elsewhere, $849.00 vs $479.00 isn't exactly what I would refer to as reputable, and its certainly nowhere near competitive, they sure don't qualify as good ol boys in my book, further, its also not the only exorbitantly priced product on their website. They are also selling Remington .45 ACP 230 gr Gold Sabre(standard unbonded)at over $31.00 a box of twenty-five, while the sgammo price for same is $12.95! Thats more then double, you can purchase half a case from SGammo when its in stock for $250.00, but the folks at ammotogo have it at $500.00 for half a case! :rolleyes: Good grief!
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However I have never seen ammo go down in price. If you can afford it buy them bulk by all means do it.

All I buy is bulk, bulk exists as an option not because of need, but because of the savings, serious shooters either reload or buy in bulk. Click on the sgammo link, thats bulk pricing, 50 rounds for $25.00 vs $25.00 or more for twenty rounds from Cabelas or Gander, or this ammotogo outfit isn't anywhere near reputable, its serious serious gouging.

But hey, if you're good with spending that kind of money, or you happen to think them good ol boys for doing so, more power to you, seriously. I just know their not getting any of my money!
Recently here a gun shop liquidated their inventory by auction. Bricks of .22lR sold for $65 to $150 each. Add buyer's fee of 10 or 15% on that, then sales tax of 8%.

I think they're all nuts, but maybe they know something we don't?
Allow me to reiterate, and I quote myself "Some of their ammo is priced high".
I'm not disputing the high prices.
And based on mine and others personal experiences, they are reputable. I've never had problems doing business with them. And that's what I'm speaking of. You saw where I said that some of their ammo is priced high, and it is, but I've gotten really good deals from them also.
I might be better off if I put all my eggs in one basket and just totally write the whole website off based on a some prices that are through the roof and just not even look for the good deals on a site.
Because who cares if a site has any good deals based on their bad prices of some items.

And I've never been screwed over by AmmoToGo, that's why I said they are reputable. When I see some of their high prices on the website or in their store I just skip over them and keep looking until I find what I need. It doesn't take much common sense to see that 800 dollars for a case of 9mm federal hollowpoints is to high.

I'm not advocating blatant price gouging, I'm advocating the good deals and good customer service that I've received. If these "gun people" that you speak of are actually dumb enough to pay over 800 dollars for 9mm federal hp's, then they screwed themselves when there is plenty more ammo on the Internet and stores for far cheaper.

That's why I said they are reputable because I've never been screwed by them, and have had nothing but good and reasonable transactions with them. If you get caught slippin', that's on you when there are so many other good deals out there from other sources.
I guess when I said that some of their ammo was priced high was me defending blatant price gouging.
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Here's another example from this ammotogo site, its extravagantly overpriced compared to the price for same at SDammo,


I must confess, I just don't get it, who in their right mind would pay such prices, I have to conclude that they are simply taking advantage of the ignorant impulse buyers, but good God, how many of those van there be?

Here's the same stuff at a reputable site,


a $200.00 + dollar swing for Gold Dot hollow points per case, and do keep in mind, I am a bulk buyer, and have been for two decades, even at SGammo's reasonable price I am still thinking that the 9mm Gold Dots are a bit excessive, but at $700.00 a case, or $40.00 a box, that is not excessive, that is brazen gouging!