Would you opt for a 338 lapua?


New member
Local person has a NIB Remington XCR 338 Lapua mag that caught my eye. He is willing to trade so we talked today and discussed some particulars of what I had to put on the table. This is an expensive rifle and even more expensive to shoot. I have a Remington 308 5r that is my reach-out-and-touch-stuff rifle. I could see this 338 being one of two things: either a great next step beyond my 308 at some point down the road...or a high dollar novelty that is too punishing on both the shoulder and the wallet to ever shoot enough to justify owning.
What are your thoughts on the XCR as well as this cartridge? I am interested in all points of view because I am probably the least informed of anyone who will comment in this thread.
Given the .308 + or - is about an 800 yd round(yes,I know,that is subject to argument)

Do you have ready access to shoot ranges longer than that?

Big dust puffs are nice.There are .338 bullets that fly very well.

My experience with the 338 Lapua is limited,and it was from an Armalite AR 30,which has a very good muzzle brake,and some weight.Recoil is very modest from that rifle.Concussion...is interesting.

I would think if you do not have at least 600 yd range access,it would be like riding a 160 mph motorcycle with a 55 mph speed limit.
I thought about a 338 about a year ago, practicality got the better part of me. Very expensive to start off with, even more expensive to shoot and not something I think I would take to the range and put 50 to 100 rounds through it. Plus no access to 1000 yard range so.... To your point expensive novelty. Decided to go another way, no regrets
I know you're trading, but would you buy a factory Remington for $2000? That's the way I'd look at it. If the trade value was around $1000, I'd consider it just to give it a whirl.
I have shot a Savage 338 Lapua and now have a Sako TRG 338 Lapua. The Savage was suppressed and a pleasure to shoot and I now have a can for the TRG in the works. Without the can the noise is exteremly loud and the recoil depending on the weight of the platform is manageble with a brake. 1000 to 1500yds is possible. With good factory ammo you will be launching $5 to $8 dollar bills down range with every shot. If you reload you can get that down to about $2.50 per rd. I also have a TRG in 300win mag and it works well with good factory ammo out to 700yrds.
I do have access to a 1000+ yard range. I also reload but I nearly choked on my Copenhagen when I looked at reloading materials costs. I have two rifles that I could trade him against the price of this one to keep the cash outlay to a minimum. I am not a huge fan of trading rifles either but these are two that I don't ever shoot, are easily replaced, and are duplicate cartridges in my collection. Does any of that mean they need kicked out the door? Absolutely not. But the xcr 338 lapua is one I have never seen nor have ever shot.
I have made 5 of them so far.
As of right now, I'd say no. I am not taken with the round or the rifles.
Too heavy and too expensive to shoot.

I have nothing against them. I just have no real world use for them. My customers seem to like them, but they are paper punchers and I am not.
There are usually two kinds of people who own .338 Lapua. Those who shoot them on a regular basis with a range big enough to use the capabilities of the round. Then there are the people who own one just to say they have one. Which person would you be?

Ask yourself can, I afford or want to afford to shoot the rifle? Average cost is $5+ per shot unless you reload, but it still isn't cheap then. I think you already answered the question when you choked on Copenhagen. In many cases it is cheaper to buy and shoot .50 BMG than .338 Lapua.

There is a reason why the guy is wanting to sell that rifle, he is tired of feeding it.
I would pass. For anything out to 1,400 meters a 300 Win Mag pushing a 220 SMK will be the ballistic equal of a 338 Lapua, but much cheaper to buy quality components as they are much more common.

Thank you guys for all of the information. This XCR is a nice looking rifle but with all that you have posted I have decided to pass on it. By the time I put a capable scope on it I would be into this for $3000 and then still need to feed it.
I am not the person who buys stuff just to brag that I have it. Like most of us I do get excited when I get something new but the excitement is based in the things I will do with, in this case, the rifle. Almost no one else ever sees my firearms. I don't mind discussing them through the anonymity of a forum but I don't bring people over to my house just to open the safe and show it all off. That is a great way to get robbed in a hurry. In fact a local guy had done something like that and thieves later kicked in his door, wrapped a log chain around the safe, and ripped it clear out of his house. They dragged it off where they could break it open. They stole all his cash and his firearms. The investigation is ongoing but doesn't look like it will go anywhere. I really don't want to be that guy so I keep my mouth shut and prying eyes away.

Thanks again for all of the sage advice. You guys helped to keep a lot of money in my pocket. The person who owns the rifle will be frustrated with me because we had pretty well settled on the details but its my money and I don't think I want to send it this direction.