Would this be an illegal take or attempt to take game?


OK, my buddy just relayed this story to me, and he wanted me to find out if what he did is illegal or not, so I thought I'd run it by here.

He's golfing today on a very rural course. Ball goes in woods left of fairway. He and his buddy see a doe, and it just stand there looking at them, and allows them to get closer. So about 20-30 yards away, he says, he tees up his ball, takes out his driver and lauches a ball, and only misses the deer's head by about 6 feet. So yes he's a dipstick, but do you think he tried to "take or attempt to take" game out of season, to use the language of the state wildlife department? He definitely attempted to kill or cause serious bodily harm to the deer, but OTOH, it wasn't a traditional *weapon*. I think pretty clearly it was an "attempt to take", but just wondered what y'all thought.
Illegal, yes.

And dumb, yes. In my state, the weapon you may hunt with is regulated (rimfire, centerfire, shotgun, archery equipment, etc) and there is a season.

If you use other than the legal equipment or do it out of season, you are breaking the law. In my state, the game wardens take a very dim view of this. Wardens tend to have conviction rates in the high 90's%.

That'd cost you the equipment with which you did the dirty deed, a hefty fine, and no hunting license for several years. If you hid the bloody golf ball or transported the illegal deer in yr car, that's part of your criminal equipment, too.

Seem a little severe? Hey, nobody said you HAD to poach deer.
I seriously doubt that even hitting a deer in the head with a golf ball will kill it, the odds of that happening has to be pretty high. If any Wildlife agents or Law Enforcement Officers had seen him he probably would have been cited on cruelty to animals and harrasing wildlife charges. Was your buddy drinking at the time that this happened, if so I bet there could have been some related charges brought up as well.

If you friend had killed the deer what was he going to do then, what would the other golfers think if he tried to carry the deer off of the course? If he had the deer in his vehicle and was stopped he would probably get hit with some illegal transporting charges. I bet if someone had seen this and it had been reported their could have been a number of charges brought aginst your friend.

We all do stupid things from time to time when growing up, but their should come a time when common sense prevails and tells you to think about what you are doing. I don't know how old your friend is but if he hasn't out grown his stupidity, then he is bound to get you involved in it sooner or later. If at all possible I would help him to see the error of his ways.
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What possesses an idiot to hit a golf ball at a deer?
The least of your "friends" worries would be the wildlife charges. The possession and influence of crack cocaine would get him in deeper trouble with the law. Obviously he is a frequent user.
One of my friends did that once, accidently of course. We were finishing up practice, for the golf team, and he hit one into the trees, we found it next to a doe that got hit and died. Fortunately because it was an accident nothing happened to him. Now because your friend did this intentionally I would say he'd be in deep trouble.
Sometimes people do things they're sorry for later. I wouldn't dump a friend because he made a dumb goof. But you should have a long talk with him about potential consequences.
Unless your Tiger Woods no way your killing a deer with a golf ball. I walked up on a deer like that once in my friends development. I got so close I could have petted the deer if I wanted to. It is either too use to humans or someone it feeding them. If that deer gets displaced and ends up on huntable land, it is toast. Shame, takes the sport out of it.
At Arrowhead golf course on Lake Eufaula, Oklahoma, There will be as many as 30 deer at one time on the fairway, and generally several deer through the first nine, on the greens.
I've seen a lot of guys hit them with golf balls, but never saw one get killed with one.
These deer are protected by the state, so they are so used to golfers, they become a real pest, but I still wouldn't condon deliberatley trying to hurt one. Besides, they give you a real good reason for a bad score.:D

Most of the guys can't hit the green, much less a deer.:p
Used to Humans

Wildlife does get used to the strange things humans do.

Yesterday @ my club rifle range there were grackles and robins looking for food in the grass between the firing line and the 100yd targets. They didn't fly away when someone fired. They simply ignored the blast, the sound, and the bullets flying over their heads.

There were also a couple mourning doves which actually perched on a target frame.

There is a kingfisher nest at the top of the berm behind the 50yd pistol targets.

And other times I have seen a doe at the extreme end of the trap range, watching the shooters (and perhaps commenting to herself on their abilities?? :D )
minnesota has a law about disruption of wildlife, if it were done here, he could run afoul of that law, I do not have a game rules book with me here, but basically,you can not go out of your way to disrupt the habits of wildlife IN THEIR HABITAT, this gives you clearance to hit your golf ball down the fairway if a goose is out fertilizing, but does not allow you to turn and aim a golf ball at the goose sitting on a nest in the slough next to the fairway,

It is a question of intent, If you disrupted the game while in your daily activity, ok If you changed your routine to disrupt the game, you get a talk with the warden. This was written to keep people from chasing loons on the lakes with their boats, chasing deer with a 4 wheeler or motorcycle, chasing animals off their beds or nests to grab eggs or young.

I have only heard a few stories about people getting written up for it, but the ones I have heard the people getting the ticket deserved it.
Hmmm, well I suppose in PA he could claim he never saw the deer and pay the $25 to keep the meat--well worth it :D
But yes, if it's known he meant to drop the deer it's an illegal attempt to take the deer.
Game & fish considers this "Molesting Wildlife" if you intentionally inflict bodily harm to an animal while not engaged in a hunting activity, you will get into serious trouble. now if the doe died the Game & Fish folks would fry him.... Molesting wildlife, cruelty to animals, hunting out of season, hunting without a licence, hunting with a non-approved weapon, hunting without a doe permit, the list goes on & on. you could get charged with @ least 4-6 different things.

pretty dumb thing to do....
They call it harrassing wildlife here in Colorado. It's illegal and lacking in class.

It might be funny to think about doing it but...
WBB, he was at Arrowhead in fact, and yes, spirits/beer were involved.

There were also a couple mourning doves which actually perched on a target frame.

Yeah, I've had birds perch on top of a target stand at just 15 yards away at the range. It was all I could do not to blast it, but I did refrain. :)
Good on you!

First freedom--
It was all I could do not to blast it, but I did refrain.
There are hunters, who HUNT, and then there are just reckless people who have guns, who blast anything living they see. This second category smears mud on all shooters' images.

Good on you for Doing The Right Thing!! :) :)