Would like to ask a monster favor


New member
Before my wife and I got married I had one request and that was to have your own gun and know how to use it.

We have had some time to settle down and get around to doing it (6 months later lol).

The problem I am having is that she does not like the noise of other people shooting and is very shy. We went to the range once and we were the only people and that went well.

What I would be wondering is if someone with a little land to shoot on was around the Houston Texas area with some guns to shoot. I would bring factory ammo (pending the ammo is available).

She has very small hands and is not a fan of heavy recoil.

She did fine with my Smith 622, CZ-82 (no longer have this one) and okay with my New Vaquero.

This gun would be for home/training use (not a small carry pistol that is difficult to shoot).

If anyone is able to help that would be appreciated.
Have you thought about getting her private, one on one, shooting lessons with an instructor? Most especially, one who has access to closed ranges or either their own range?
I also have small hands but my favorite gun has ended up being my Glock 17. Adding on the granular Talon grips made a huge difference in the way it felt in my hands. Also changing out and putting in a Zev Tech Ultimate trigger kit made my trigger smoother for me. The size and weight of the gun keeps felt recoil to virtually nothing. (Can do the same with the 19, I just prefer the full size since I don't carry it).
As for noise, have her double up on her ear protection and turn her electronic muffs (if that is what she is wearing) down lower.
Good luck Drummer.

It's kind of a shame there aren't more places to go out plinking.

Ranges CAN be intimidating and expensive especially to new shooters. You might mention to her that with a little more experience she'll be able to ignore the distractions at the range or even join in and talk guns with the other shooters.
You have my sympathies.

I have taught a number of people to shoot by shooting cans on friends' or family members' rural property. It is low-key and fun. Shooting ranges are louder, more crowded, and can be more stressful.
We could do the instructor (and plan to do so later), but the unexpected noises of the other shooters are the problem...

Hoping I can think of something or something comes up.

I was thinking of just getting a Ruger 22/45, but she refuses to get to before she can try it.

Hence the dilemma of trying something with some peace and quiet.

Up in Minnesota I know of some good public shooting lands, but then I only have the guns we bring.
I understand how she feels. I'm very shy and anti-social and do not enjoy public ranges, not because of the noise but because of the people. Luckily I have my own range so I don't really need to bother with public ranges, for the time being at least. I bring people over all the time who don't like public ranges and would rather shoot in private. Unfortunately, I'm nowhere near Texas so I'm of no use there.
I really like the 22/45 idea, she should be able to at least handle one before you buy. I don't see any way she wouldn't like it, the grips are pretty thin and the gun is so much more reliable than most on the market. It gets pretty danged cold up here in Mn. but I have my own range and can be neck deep in public land in 2 minutes. My daughter and her mother probably wouldn't shoot at all if we had to go to a privately owned range. Good luck.
It's getting to be an old tune, but have you considered shooting at home, instead of at a range?
Not with firearms, of course, but with a modern airgun.
A blow back semi auto CO2 powered pellet version shoots like a .22.
With a rifled barrel and good pellets, they can be nearly the same accuracy (at reasonable distances), recoil and muzzle bark.
It could go a long way to bringing her up to speed, without the negative aspects usually associated with teaching a new shooter.
This is one of my favorites for realism:
Check out the video review.
The same manufacturer makes quite a number of similar models that vary in size and appearance.
I have a nice air pistol (Daisy Avanti 747 Triumph Match) and I made a box of a circuit breaker box.

But I am not sure how the recoil from an airgun would translate to a true firearm in picking it out.
...she does not like the noise of other people shooting...
Be sure that her hearing protection is working properly. I occasionally run into a new shooter who isn't getting a good seal from their muffs and therefore is taking a real beating from the discharge noise.

Feel all the way around the edge to make sure that there aren't any gaps. When she pushes on the muffs she should feel the pressure on her eardrums if the seal is good.
Hey . . . I've been shooting for over 50 years and I still prefer to shoot alone . . . so she's not the "oddball"! :eek: Hopefully you'll be able to find a spot where you can go and just plink without others around. The more she shoots, the more confidence she'll build. Even with hearing protection on, others shooting nearby can be distracting. On more than one occasion I have cut my range time short due to too many folks being not he line. Everyone has a right to be there but I particularly hate the guy who is shooting a 44 mag right next to me in the next lane (sorry 44 mag guys - no criticism intended) as the loudness really detracts from my concentration. But that's just me and we all are different.

Good luck and keep encouraging her. And congrats on finding someone you want to spend the rest of your life with. I've been married 43 years and bless the day I found my wife as my life would sure be empty without her! :)
It may not be just noise. Were you shooting at an indoor range? I'm kind of like BedBugBilly in that I've been shooting all my life (56yrs old) - only it isn't really the "sound" that bothers me. It's the pressure wave I can actually feel that bothers me. Even the best ear muffs can't keep that out.

I only shoot at outdoor ranges now and even then if I'm next to someone with a big boomer I'll move down to another lane. It doesn't seem to bother me as much when I'm doing the shooting - it's when it is someone beside be that I get bothered.
Houston has lots of indoor ranges. A few of them aren't the big popular places to go. Pick one of those less well travelled and go at an odd time of day when most people are at work.
I'd say the suggestions for a .22 aren't bad for a newbie. You should look into a .380 or a .38 special for her as well.
Hey Drummer,

If your ever on your way to San Antonio I have my some land (100 acres ) , 50 miles south-east of SA with a informal shooting range. I fully understand your problem, it would be hard for me to enjoy a public range anymore.
have her try plugs and muffs. I shoot like then when im using big rifles. you still get the pressure but its better then one or the other.
I get up and go shooting early (before 8am) on Sunday. Rarely have I ever seen anyone else on the range at that time if they are they're on the rifle range sighting in for deer season.