"Would Banning Firearms Reduce Murder and Suicide?" Must Read Article


New member
OK, the title is long, but its an excellent paper to read if you have the time.
The link is to the NRA site that then links to the paper.


IF you don't have the time or the patience to read the actual paper, take a quick gander at the NRA article which highlights several of the key points. The title says it all in that the paper/article challenges the fairly common notion (in the minds of the uninformed) that more legally owned guns equates to more gun violence.

Sure we all know this not to be the case, but this paper/article was written by two very intelligent men who have a lot of cred (Two lawyers one of whom was a law professor at Stanford Law) and they provide very sound and very well thought out reasons why the gun prevalence doesn't necessarily mean gun crime. They are even handed in their approach and this is very important, because they acknowledge what they need to concede. In doing so they formulate a very balanced argument that is difficult to refute.

Having this type of knowledge would be useful to any gun owner or 2nd A. proponent. Especially when engaging in civilized debates with those who seek to dampen the 2nd A. rights.

I apologize if this was already posted.

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If you were to go to the old L&P forum and do a search on the words, "Mauser Kates," you would come up with 3 threads.

The first, in April of 2007, the Second, in August of 2007 and the Third, in December of 2007. All three deal with this research.

So yes, it has been covered. But it has been a year and not covered in this forum.

Edit: And Ken? If you claim it's BS stats (like you did in the 2nd thread, above), you would do well to back it up. Rational Discourse, ney?
I would like to point out that Gary was till retirement an active "academic". He is a friend and a well known scholar of gun related issues. Trained as a psychologist, he went into criminology. He and Don have helped review some of my work. Kates is an awesome defender of the RKBA. Quite a hoot to hang out with. Go to dinner with him and some progun female academics sometime (female progun academics - now that will astound some). He carries his cell phone in a Glock Polymer holster.

We have shot together on several occassions, once with Dave Kopel.

Gary is a refined gentleman. We have eaten at Spago's together and shared a chocolate lava cake. :D At that occasion, Gary described his moose hunt and schlepping the meat out of the Canadian woods.

There is a large body of progun, peer reviewed scholarship which is very useful. Now isn't that surprising also. :D