Would a ten round limit really bother you?
First, we can assume that all hi-cap mags that are already on the market will stay there. Your local FFL dealer may not be able to buy or sell them but private sale would go on.
Second, depending on how the law is writen, you may or may not be allowed to use them at the range or on private property.
Third, no new guns would have more than ten rounds.
Be honest here. Do you really need a thirty round mag? Would you feal that your rights were being impinged? If this measure only save a few lives per year, would it be worth it?
I'll kick this off.
No, I don't really need a thirty round mag, but I sure like them. It's a lot of fun to rip off thirty rounds at the range. Big "grin" factor here.
Yes I would. I would be giving up something I like to prevent only a handful of nut jobs from getting the same thing.
Again, yes. I like hi-cap mags, I would feal a certain loss if I could not get them but I would be willing to give this up if it ment only a few extra people a year lived.
Durring the last ban I was still able to get hi-cap mags but they cost a lot more. Even with the ban in place, it never caused me any loss.
First, we can assume that all hi-cap mags that are already on the market will stay there. Your local FFL dealer may not be able to buy or sell them but private sale would go on.
Second, depending on how the law is writen, you may or may not be allowed to use them at the range or on private property.
Third, no new guns would have more than ten rounds.
Be honest here. Do you really need a thirty round mag? Would you feal that your rights were being impinged? If this measure only save a few lives per year, would it be worth it?
I'll kick this off.
No, I don't really need a thirty round mag, but I sure like them. It's a lot of fun to rip off thirty rounds at the range. Big "grin" factor here.
Yes I would. I would be giving up something I like to prevent only a handful of nut jobs from getting the same thing.
Again, yes. I like hi-cap mags, I would feal a certain loss if I could not get them but I would be willing to give this up if it ment only a few extra people a year lived.
Durring the last ban I was still able to get hi-cap mags but they cost a lot more. Even with the ban in place, it never caused me any loss.