Worthless without pics, but bought a Python

wild cat mccane

New member
After ripping on the Python for strength, price, and finish, I got what started my favorite revolver (S&W686)...a new model 4" Python.

It was on gun.deals for a split second, ordered, receipt confirmation, off gun.deals, and now we wait. Way below the $1,500 they start at. So a good deal in current pricing--though I suspect used will flood the market at some point. Simply couldn't pass on this price.

Anyways. Will post up pics when it arrives.
Congratulations. Sounds like an outstanding deal. And there’s nothing to say you can’t like both the Python and the 686.
Just picked it up. What I think below. I will be keeping it.


Kinda got into a disagreement with others on finish. I can say, now owning it, next to a GP100 I Mothers mag polished with a rag, the finish appearance is exactly the same. Exactly. But no need to rehash that. But if you hit your GP100 or 686 with a 10 dollar can of Mothers, it's going to shine exactly like this Python. Four Taurus 66s and one GP100 behind my belt with the Mothers, I feel confident this finish talk is overblown. Python finish best, 686, then the bright GP100. I think all can be made equal with Mothers mag polish.

The grip is significantly different than a GP100 or my 686s (with the standard non finger grooved rubber grips that I like). The colt grip pushes down on the bird finger on the grasping hand. I don't hate it, but it is less flowing back. I have smaller hands. I imagine others wouldn't like it more. 686 is just grab and no weird feeling. Smaller hands rich both fine. Python is more straight up vs slanted back on the 686/GP100. 686 winner.

The single action is heavier than the 686s I have. Sample of one. But it breaks the same as the 686, but heavier. Both a very clean wall, nano pull, trigger falls. 686 clear winner.

Double action. Oh boy. Sad story here. Python starts out WAY better than the 686s triggers. I was so tickled with how it started....but then it goes down hill. The pull increases weight towards its heaviest point at the end. 686 is same weight throughout. Though it starts out heavier than the Python, the 686 ends lighter and cleaner. 686 beats them all for double action. Because the Python is lighter at at the start, cocking to single action feels much lighter than either 686 or GP100. GP100, I cannot stand the 2 stage trigger pull feel. The pull is consistently weighted, but the part where there is creep once set...can't stand it. 686. Large margin. ITaurus 66 next. Though the Taurus 66 is not my top choice, the trigger is like a 686 in a lot of (good) ways. Python. Then GP100.

Feel. The Python feels like the 686 in the had. The GP100 feels rather large all around. In my hands. The grip is different, but heft wise, the Python feels like a 686 with a different grip on. Blind test, 686 and Colt feel heavy but tactile in feel. The GP100 feels bulky. I do not care for the hump that is in the GP100 non Lett grips. The Lett grips or 200 Eagle grips are needed in my mind for the GP100. Python is significantly down faster than both. I say 686 feels smaller and more hand formed fit than Python or GP100. The Python wood grips are obviously more bulky than the rubber grips I like, so probably similar here.

Visuals 1. Picky here, but visually things are better in odd numbers. A known eye element is odds create visual interest where our eyes see even patterns with less interest. Colt should have done the 4" barrel with three rib cut outs, not two. My opinion. I doesn't look bad, but smaller three cuts would have been significantly better. Colt still wins with a nice vent ribbed barrel look and no voids that the 686s can have. (S&W sells the 686 with a non perfect finish unique to the 686). Colt wins. 686 only seconded because the vent rib that appears stepped adds significant visual interest. Python winner for visual interest. 686 second for barrel profile and muzzle shape.

Visual 2. Again on visuals, I think the GP100 barrel looks like a Taurus barrel. I don't care for the lug being melted into the barrel. Too flowing in appearance. And I do not care for the slanting away from the muzzle on the GP100 as it makes the barrel look less present. Colt and 686 look sharp with the straight down appears from muzzle to lug. Rugged looking. Colt wins here for the crowing that the 686 does not have. I do not care for the visual look of the Taurus/GP100 barrel melt look and slanted lug at muzzle. 686/Python win.

6 cylinder vs 7 on the 686s. I still don't understand the argument against the Plus 7 cylinder. I think people are mentally set on 6 chambers on a revolver or are so advanced in their use it's actual a real thing to them. Speed loaders exist for the Plus as it's been around a long time. As I understand it (maybe wrong), the 686 cylinder and frame is larger on the 686 L frame which is only slightly larger than the Python. Appearance wise, you don't see it. GP100 1771/1773 are a hot mess in my mind if we the consumers don't even know how Ruger "corrected" their rim touch problem that made it so some owners could only load 3 factory rounds in the cylinder. 686 wins, clear winner. Probably the largest frame while being similar sized.

Cylinder release. The release is backwards in movement on the Python. Never owned a Colt before, but agreed. But it does function smoothly. GP100, 686, and then Python for release. The GP100 button is just nice in function and I think looks most visual "right." Even if I figure it out, the Python release is the least user friendly, GP100 nicest looking, and 686 easier to actuate.

686 lock. I couldn't care less about the 686 lock. The lock was never a problem on L frames but only on scandium j frames. The hole is smaller than the hole for the screw that goes into the S&W release. The screw is more visually unappealing than the lock hole ever was. I've never heard anyone mention the Taurus built in lock on the hammer. I give 686 the nod here because it is a feature the others do not have and has zero chance of causing an issue even using the internet as a source. On the other hand, I burn through cases of 357 with 5 686s with locks. Political urban legend, not factual.

I'm going to keep it. It was an AMAZING price new. But again, the 686 is probably the best all around revolver today.
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Good review. I like it when people are honest about the good and bad of a new gun.

I want a Python simply to say I have one... But I don't want those bragging rights $1500 bad. So I stick with my Smith and Wessons
Perfectly sums it. With the trigger as it is, I bet the 686 stock will compete fine for target hits.

At double the price, no way. I got it for $1,100. That's in the realm bragging rights, but only a few off from a 686, I think the 686 is all around better. My Python new cost 400 less than a 686 competition. If I hadn't bought, at that price, the 686 Competition is one darn good looking gun and certainly going to be a better trigger. I would get the 686 Competition with changeable weights. No question. Or just a stock Plus and send for a trigger job.

Trigger clearly is better on the 686. No question on my sample of one Python, one GP100, and 5 686s.

All that said, the Python is visually appealing. No buyer's remorse.
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Caveat - I’m a 686 fan boy. I don’t own a Python but did get to put 100 rounds through a friends new 3” Python. Even brand new out of the blue case I thought the double action trigger pull was nicer than my 686. The single action trigger pull was stiffer than my 686 and felt only slightly less than the double action pull. I like the grips on my 686 better. The grip on the Python forces a high grip - which I like, but the wide to thin bottom to top of the grip let’s the handgun roll up on recoil. I liked the Python better than I thought I would and with a grip change I would like it even more. If I could find your deal on a Python I would be an owner.
Back from shooting it. American Eagle 158gr jsp 357mag.

The gun shot well.

However, it shot well despite having just a too hard trigger. I have read on the Colt forum people saying the DA is better on the Colt but the SA is better on the 686. I think they are being half right on the SA assessment. At least for me, this stacking on my Python in DA and the weight on the SA is just bad. Too heavy on both and though smooth in mechanical feel, the lbs just get on that DA fast.

Slow fire the stacking on the double action is just too much. At the end, you are at a very heavy pull to release. Simply not in the same world as where it starts at very light.

I also read a trigger job isn't likely on the Python because someone seemed to suggest that the cam on the Python proves something about parts not going to do well for any kind of work. For mine, the trigger cam is true. The hammer does move a bit at the end. This is not true of my 686s.

I think the 686 is just better factory. The 686 trigger was just so much better. Sight outline on the 686 but not on the Python. Sight picture is just better on the 686. My 686s are Plus, so 7rnd cylinder is just nicer for me.

No doubt the Python is prettier, but trigger? To me, it's just terrible. Not even considering costs.

I am considering the S&W "boss" spring job they offer just for fun. On the Python...geeze. Double the price and no question a worse trigger with stacking.
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