Worlds Challenge Ejector


I recently aquired an old single shot hammer shotgun and am looking for identification and possible value. It has few markings for any identification. The one piece receiver is marked Worlds Challenge Ejector. The barrel is marked genuine twist on top and choke bored on the side and bears the number 9242 on the barrel lug and forearm metal piece. Barrel is 29 7/8" including chamber. Chamber measures 0.745" at breach. Choke measures 0.660" at muzzle. It appears to be 16ga although the shell seems rather loose in the chamber. Chamber depth appears to be about 2.920" as near as I can measure to apparent forcing cone. Bore is good with some slight rust/pitting. Action is tight and fully functional. Wood shows some damage and repair of stock area. Overall condition would be grade fair in my opinion.
It sounds like one of the many inexpensive guns imported from Belgium, around the turn of the century.. Break it apart and I think you will find Belgian proofs, probably the letters ELG,, Value is $35 to $90, depending on condition,,JFC

The only marks I can find other than those I noted above are on the barrel lug sides. One side has an E laying down (open end down with barrel held horizontally). The other side has an S laying on it's side (referenced as with the E). I can find no traces of any other marks than those listed here and in previous post. Can you give me any ideas on it's approximate production/import date?
"World Challenge Ejector" was a name used by Sears on some of their shotguns, but I don't know who would have made it for Sears; it would have been one of many American companies, but who knows which one.
Thanks for the information and help on this old gun. I am going to continue to research it. I've found some other interesting information on it already. Mainly regarding it's purported choke boring being superior to other types of choking and it appears by all I've found so far that the damascus barrels were priced higher than their "fluid steel" counterparts. One source claims this 16ga was denoted as a "quail gun" handled through the Meriden arms catalog at hardware stores and not through Sears and sold circa 1908 for the hefty sum of $60.00. More research needed to verify or disprove this claim. Any sources of additional research sites you might volunteer would be appreciated. Thanks
old gun

say thats just the gun I am looking for.them thar guns are worth big mony I will give you $5 to help you.twist steel.why does every one think they have a historical first when they find these things.I had larg numbers when I grew up a lot were given because the were only$3 to $5 when new.if its single barrel its probable an old "farm gun "even doubles were cheap and made in Conn.or Belguim.I have a couple now [cresent brand]:rolleyes::cool::)
Par: It's nice to be able to research a gun, It's true that all makers charged more for Dmascus than fluid steel, It was thought that the Damascus was superior to the early fluid steel. (in some cases, it was). The choke borings of the day were pretty much all the same, but every maker claime his was superior. As for a $60 Single barrel in 1908, thats a little rediculous, however not impossible. I believe there is a reprint of the Meriden catalogue available..JFC
This old 16ga

Well guys, I wasn't trying to imply or claim this old gun was valuable. I only stated the $60.00 figure as it is a quote from the 1908 Sears catalog available through their website under historical archives.
As I said before more research is needed on my part. Here is a quote from the aforementioned historical catalog.
"The 1908 Meriden Firearms Co. catalog shows the following grades - A with Whitworth, Krupp, or 6-blade damascus for $250 with AE, B with Krupp or 6-blade for $185 with AE, C with Krupp or 4-blade for $110 with AE, D "Trap Gun" with Krupp or 3-blade for $90 with AE, ("Quail Gun" with Krupp and ONLY 16G for $60 (no AE offered) ), F with Krupp or 3-blade for $60 with AE, G with Krupp for $40. Production of these guns was apparently quite limited as very few are found today."
As I said more research is needed and will take me some time to accomplish as this isn't the only project I have going at this time. It is interesting also to note that not all guns sold back then were cheap. I'm sure $250 was quite a hefty price for the turn of the century no matter what gun you were buying. I parenthesized the part of the 16G gun only because it appeared to have possible relevance to this gun. Don't know for sure one way or the other. Hope this partly answers why I am curious about this gun along with it's lack of identifying marks.
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I believe all the guns in your reference are double barrel guns, including the"Quail Gun" also a Krupp barreled gun fron Meriden would be marked as such..JFC
I also have a Wolds Challenge Ejector, I am also trying to reserch the hystory of it. I appreciate all input. Mine is a 12 guage , 36 inch barrel.
Is a gun sold by Sears & Roebuck of Chicago on shotguns made by Albert Aubrey of Meriden CT Probably around the early 1900's

Old Remington single

I have an add from E. Remington & Sons, Ilion, N.Y. (Ca. 1880)
Remington's Breech-Loading Shot-Gun.
Single Barrel
Full Length, 48 Inches Weight, 6 1/2 Pounds
30 32 inch, No. 16 Gauge, Laminated barrels......$55.00
Extra Engraved..............................................80.00
Plain Barrel...................................................18.00

1884 Parker double's (E.C. Meacham Arms Co., St. Louis (1884)

Finest Damascus Steel (Made to order) -----------$300.00
Fine Damascus-------------------------------------125.00
Fine Laminated--------------------------------------75.00
Twist Barrels----------------------------------------60.00

Quite a price range form Twist to Damascus.:eek:
I realize it's been quite a while since this thread was started. I have an additional question regarding it. As a lad I was told stories of guns in 14,8,and4 gauge. Don't know if any are true or just folk tales. I am at a loss to determine the caliber of this old shotgun. 12ga shells won't chamber in it (too big) and 16ga shells drop nearly clear into the chamber including the rim of the brass. Is it possible it is a 14ga gun or perhaps early brass black powder shells for it were of different diameter it would accommodate?
It is entirely possible for your shotgun to be in 14 gauge. Gauges were determined by how many balls were in a pound { not shot }. A 4 guage used a 1/4 lb. ball, 4 to a pound. A 12 guage used a ball that was 12 to a pound. Yes, there were 4,8,10.12,14,15,16,18,20,24 and 28 gauges. That is not even the entire list. At one time 14 gauge were quite common. The bore size of the 14 gauge is .693
I got a WOLRDS CHLLANGE EJECTOR CHOKE BORED for $20 10 or 15 years ago at a gun show. It was the cheapest gun at the whole show.
I bought it so I could overload a Damascus barrel.
I have never got around to shooting it.
I can tell it works, from the sound it makes with a 12 ga snap cap.

It does not look like fine workmanship to me... It does not look like it was made by Winchester or Colt.


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  • WORLDS CHALLANGE EJECTOR CHOKE BORED 12 ga $20 butt plate.jpg
    WORLDS CHALLANGE EJECTOR CHOKE BORED 12 ga $20 butt plate.jpg
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