Worldnetdaily article

excellent article!! proves that not all journalists are brain-dead. on the same website go on down abit and see minimum wage=maximumfolly.. cmore
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>A Glimpse of Totalitarianism

Most Americans have grown to trust their government to protect them and their rights.

This is why Americans are flirting with a loss of all freedom.

If you wonder what a total government power monopoly will be like, all you need to do is examine the reaction by government schools to the recent rash of student attacks.

Remember, government schools in all 50 states long ago banned firearms. Not even teachers or administrators would think of keeping a loaded gun on campus to protect themselves and their student charges. Thus, those attending government schools are sitting ducks for anyone who wants to go out in an ignominious blaze of gore.

The shooting and bombing attacks have only increased. So what's the next step?

School districts all over America are increasingly treating all students like criminals. In Michigan, WorldNetDaily reported last week, one school system has banned bookbags, lunchboxes -- even coats and jackets -- from school premises for fear they might be used to conceal weapons. A 12-year-old boy in Louisiana was suspended and then locked up in a juvenile detention center for two weeks for telling fellow students, "I'm going to get you." In Pennsylvania, a 14-year-old girl was strip-searched and suspended for two weeks when, during a class discussion, she observed that she understood how unpopular students might eventually resort to violence. A 9-year-old in Virginia was suspended and later expelled for drawing a gun in class. Four boys in Arkansas overheard talking about guns were taken to the police station, strip-searched without their parents' knowledge and suspended or expelled. A 16-year-old in Virginia was suspended for the rest of the year for writing an essay about a nuclear bomb.

What's going on here? Has America gone mad? Is this overreaction or collective insanity?

I'm afraid it's neither. Instead, it's the predictable eventuality when government is given the authority -- tacitly or otherwise -- to be the sole guarantor of our safety, security and liberty. That's where we're headed in America. The government schools are already there. To see what life in an American police state will be like one, two, five years down the road, just take a glimpse of the Gestapo tactics being employed in U.S. government schools.

What's the solution? I admit there is no easy answer. What got us here is years of dumbing down -- intellectually and morally. If adults don't understand the concept of self-government, how can we expect deliberately miseducated kids to grasp the concept?

We're long past the point where the U.S. political elite accepts the notion of self-government. Washington operates from the guiding principle that people are to be controlled -- much like children in government schools or cattle being raised for slaughter.

This is why, first and foremost, we are seeing government's mad scramble to disarm the American people. It's still coming incrementally, step by step. But it's more obvious than ever what the ultimate goal is. You, your family, your community will be at the mercy of the government for protection. Government will no longer concern itself with being accountable to the people -- the people will be accountable to government. Government will maintain a monopoly on the use of force and terror.

You don't even have to go to your kid's government school to see the early stages of the coming fascism. You can see it when you go to the airport and you are forced -- at government's insistence -- to prove you are not a criminal. You can see it when you go to your local theme park with your children and guards search your backpacks and purses for weapons.

Slowly but surely Americans are being forced to cope with and live with government-mandated security checkpoints, draconian rules, random searches and seizures.

Americans are so conditioned to this trend as a way of life that most even defend it as a necessary evil as we head into the brave new world of the 21st century.

Do you like what you see when you look into the mirror, America? Do you like what your kids see? [/quote]


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."
I really enjoy WorldNet Daily. I try to hit it at least several times a week, and I usually assemble a "recommended reading" list with URL's and distribute it to a number of my friends for their own perusal. Leads to some great conversations during get togethers.

Farah's radio show on Real Audio passes the lunch hour away quickly, as well.

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.