Working with Holsters, Clothing, and Self Inflicted Wounds

This sort of thing keeps happening and it should not. It happens with regular folks and it happens with police officers. You may recall the police chief shot himself for a second time (once several years prior).

He had holstered a draw string with his gun and yanked on his coat, pulling the draw string that pulled the trigger.

Now we have this report of Christina Bond shooting herself while adjusting her bra holster because it was not fitting correctly. I am not sure of the orientation of the holster, but she managed to shoot herself in the eye and was killed.

For goodness sake, if your clothing isn't fitting properly around your gun in some manner, don't go yanking and pulling on things! His gun was a .40 Glock and hers was a .22 revolver.
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And a breakdown of one of the cardinal rules of firearms handling...never point the gun at anything you aren't prepared to destroy.
Its not unusual to have to make adjustments to the fit or position of a holster, and perhaps a couple practice draws. As we change clothes different accommodations need to be made.

This is the time to UNLOAD the gun, make adjustments, reload the gun and holster it. Do NOT play with it or adjust it after it is holstered. If after wearing for a bit more adjustments are needed, then again UNLOAD.

Cops are particularly susceptible to gun accidents since they wear a handgun so much.
I have several different holsters for the same pistol... I have carried every day for several years,...

Different clothing requires different holsters, at least for me.
Step into the bathroom and check things out...

If you use the same holster every day, you will developed a "CCW Uniform"

I've had good luck with most attire, except the recent change in work attire. A thin polo shirt made from jersey type material...
Luckily my job has allowed me to continue wearing a button type shirt lol...

Carrying a gun, requires you to always be mindful of it and it's position