Working out at the gym for shooting?


New member
Is this the right place for this kind of question?

Do any of you do any kind of exercises at the gym specific to pistol (or any other type of) shooting?

Sgt Lumpy
I think being in shape in general is a good idea for general shooting. keeps muscles from fatiguing as fast and keeps your body more shapely as the firearm was designed. But no, to answer your question I can't think of any "firearms specific" gym training. Unless you plan on shouldering a M2 or toting a 15 lb hand cannon, I think general fitness should be plenty for shooting.
For pistol, grip strength is important. Stronger arms help keep the gun steadier. If you are doing any action shooting then strong quads will make you quicker on your feet and steadier.
I don't specifically work out for shooting, but I do lift weights 4-5 days a week. Since I am working out that many days a week each day is specific to a certain bodypart/group of muscles. Arms, chest, back, legs, shoulders etc... I will say that I am very quick on my followup shots and manage recoil very well, I am sure that lifting weights has something to do with it. For pistol shooting you would probably benefit most from forearm exercises.

This is an amazing site that lets you click on certain bodyparts/muscle groups and they will give you exercises that work each one, and tell you all other muscles that are involved. There are also GIF's (moving images) showing you the proper form for each exercise.
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Actually yes. When I was doing SWAT work our M4s had so much crap screwed onto them, I thought I would need a set of wheels up front. Spent time in gym working on muscle groups (shoulders, back, arms) that would help me hold gun up on target for long periods of time. Add a ballistic vest and full ammo load, holding that rifle up for extended periods took quite a bit of work. Could see working the same muscle groups if you are a woman or weak holding a handgun.
I've been thinking of starting to do arm exercises to help in my pistol shooting for steadiness and less fatigue. Also I like to run though don't do it as much as I should. Doing cardio like that should be very beneficial in lowering blood pressure and increasing steadiness/lung capacity which is especially important in rifle shooting. Plus it's just good period!!! :cool:
There's one exercise that seems useful for shooting.
From a standing or sitting position, slowly pushing a dumbell straight out with both hands, hold it for a few seconds, and then slowly bring it back to the chest.
That's exactly what I've been doing a lot of lately, g. I stand or sit, use a dumbell that's heavier than a gun, like 2.5 or 5 lbs, and practice repeatedly bringing it up "on target" (some spot on the wall). For variety, I use a 5 lb plate instead of a dumbell. That makes it unbalanced, puts more of the weight out toward the "muzzle".

I also practice similar but without a weight. Just my hands in a gun grip fashion. Practice repeatedly putting it on the same horizontal line around the room, as if I were shooting plates.

Sometimes worry that it looks a little weird to other gym goers. I'm sure I've had that muzzle safety drilled into me. I literally can't bear to bring my finger on target when another person walks through my field of vision.

Sgt Lumpy