Words fail me


Staff Alumnus
Today's Gazette (Colorado Springs) featured a story on HB1316, which makes Colorado a shall-issue state (with some unattractive provisos, including the Lautenberg bullsh*t).

Yesterday, 1316 was amended to make schools no-safety zones. No surprise there, except...

...this is just unbelievable...

Here's a quote from the House Majority Leader, Doug Dean, in reference to the inclusion of the school exemption:

Dean said he was only offering the exemption for schools "for the protection of members of this body" because of "hysterical accusations" and "hate calls" made to legislators over the weekend.

In other words, terrorism. Use of threats of or actual violence as a means of achieving a political goal.

Shaking my head in disbelief, I am.

"An unarmed man can only flee from evil, and evil
is not overcome by fleeing from it." -- Col. Jeff Cooper
Yeah, and if I had done the same in opposition to some piece of anti-gun legislation (and I would never use those kinds of tactics!) they'd probably have the call traced back to my house, show up, and arrest me on charges of, like you said, terrorism. Disgusting to the highest degree!

Now, let's see if we can't clean this bill up a bit in the Senate. After all, they did pass SB156!

Kind of makes the case for self-defense in an obtuse sort of way, doesn't it?

Buy one gun a month, [in VA] it's the law!

Can you point me to a site where I can find this article online? How disgusting is this?

AS someone said, what would happen in the press if a gun owner called in a threat to a legislator in order to get a bill passed?

And what kind of idiot admits in public that he's such a weakling as to pass a law that affects thousands of people's safety on the basis of "hate calls?" If I lived in Colorado, I'd do my best to make that statement a BIG issue in the next election.
Can you point me to a site where I can find this article online?

<a href="http://www.gazette.com/archive/99-03-23/top2.html">Gazette article</a>

"An unarmed man can only flee from evil, and evil
is not overcome by fleeing from it." -- Col. Jeff Cooper
I read the article, and I'm flabergasted; They actually did amend the bill because they'd been physically threatened! Why can't WE get away with that sort of thing? On further reflection, the answer is obvious: Nobody in the legislature is looking for a halfway plausible excuse to vote WITH us, whereas there are plenty of law makers who'd be grateful for this kind of excuse to vote AGAINST us.

Here is an email I sent to the reporter who wrote the article. Perhaps the Coloradans on this list should contact their legislators with the same question.

Ms. Ames,

Your article in the Gazette stated that the amendment was added for "the protection of members of this body" due to "hysterical accusations" and "hate calls." Addressing individuals in a manner which causes the individuals to fear for their safety is a crime. What is being done to apprehend and prosecute the callers who intimidated the legislature in this manner?


Byron Quick

Attack these people at every opportunity. The pro-tyrrany, pro-criminal faction in Colorado has apparently committed crimes in this instance. Demand that they be brought to justice.
The Gazette's editorial staff had this to say in today's edition:

(begin quote)
Shoring up a right
A sensible bill on firearms advances

Too often, when lawmakers at any level of government start to pick apart an issue, they wind up confusing matters. In a refreshing and unexpected turnabout, Colorado's House has simplified a number of prickly regulations on firearms statewide - consolidating the effort into one bill and, in the process, shoring up the public's right to keep and bear arms in self-defense.
House Bill 1316 was overwhelmingly approved by that body Monday and sent to the Senate for further action. Pending action there, and given Gov. Bill Owens' commitment to some of the general principles embodied in HB1316, our state could be on the verge of a more enlightened and just plain realistic firearms policy.

Among other things, the much-amended measure as it now stands would unify, throughout Colorado, the current county-by-county patchwork of procedures for obtaining a concealed-weapons permit. If applicants satisfy basic requirements like a background check and a gun-safety course, they will have to be issued a permit.

Also, this bill would repeal unduly restrictive gun laws, such as Denver's arbitrary ban on some kinds of weapons. And HB1316 would bar Colorado cities from participating in proliferating - and absurd - lawsuits against gun manufacturers to recover the costs of crime.

Kudos to House Majority Leader Doug Dean, R-Colorado Springs, for shepherding this measure through thus far.
(end quote)

Wow. A pro-firearms statement in the meedja? I may just subscribe to the Gazette after all.

"Quemadmoeum gladius neminem occidit, occidentis telum est." --Lucius Annaeus Seneca "the Younger" (ca. 4 BC-65 AD)
I just faxed the following message to Rep. Dean's office:

Rep. Dean:

Yesterday in the Colorado Springs Gazette, you were quoted as citing the safety of General Assembly members as the reason for inclusion of school exemptions in HB1316.

The people who threatened the members are committing the classical definition of terrorism: the use of violence, or threats thereof, as a means of achieving a political goal. The intentions of those who made the threats may be good (albeit misguided), but initiating violence, for any reason, invalidates the position of the advocate. Otherwise, we'd have a government which rules by brute force, instead of governing in the interests of the citizens.

Please, Doug, don't be cowed by terrorists. Continue to stand up for the right to bear arms, and work to remove the school exemption from HB1316.

One small step for RKBA...

"Quemadmoeum gladius neminem occidit, occidentis telum est." --Lucius Annaeus Seneca "the Younger" (ca. 4 BC-65 AD)
This is Michele Ames' reply to my email to her earlier today:

Mr. Quick,
I am not aware if anything is being done in response to the calls. The statement about the calls and the content of those calls was made by Rep. Doug Dean during debate on his concealed weapons bill. I would assume that
legislators have some system for dealing with this sort of occurrence, but I am unaware of what that might be. Possibly the easiest way for you to get your question answered is to call Rep. Dean directly at (303) 866-2348. If
you would like to save a long-distance call, you can call the main House
number at 1-800-811-7647 during normal business hours.
I hope this was helpful. If I can be of further assistance, please let me
Michele Ames
Colorado Springs Gazette