Woot! My zebra skin is done!


New member
My taxidermist in Namibia just sent me an email saying my skulls, horns, and skins will be done by end of month and shipped soon - probably have them by Christmas. I was concerned for my zebra skin, due to the bullet holes, but it looks incredible!


I can't wait!

PS - for details, pics, and videos of the hunt, go here:

Congratulations on your Zebra from Namibia, sounds like a good hunt. I see you got a faster taxidermist than me. I went for a similar hunt in South Africa in January & my trophies (including Burchells Zebra skin) still have not been shipped.
That Zebra has some great markings. Thats one of the best that I've seen. I shot a Zebra in July 07 in South Africa. Phil. Don't hold your breath. We went in mid July 07 and did not get the skulls and horns back until April of this year. We had the hides shipped directly to our tanner over here and they didn't finish up until June. I just got my Gemsbok back from the Taxidermist, who is my dad by the way, and it came out great. The other 3 should be done by Christmas.
"Congratulations on your Zebra from Namibia, sounds like a good hunt. I see you got a faster taxidermist than me. I went for a similar hunt in South Africa in January & my trophies (including Burchells Zebra skin) still have not been shipped."

Yeah, honestly I was expecting at least 8-12 months, but this taxidermist has been incredible to work with. I went there, met the workers and owners, and was very impressed. When they said they'd have my European mounts, hoof-lanterns, and skins all done and shipped within 5 months I was skeptical, but they've so far been spot on the target date.
"That Zebra has some great markings. Thats one of the best that I've seen. I shot a Zebra in July 07 in South Africa. Phil. Don't hold your breath. We went in mid July 07 and did not get the skulls and horns back until April of this year. We had the hides shipped directly to our tanner over here and they didn't finish up until June. I just got my Gemsbok back from the Taxidermist, who is my dad by the way, and it came out great. The other 3 should be done by Christmas."

Thank you! If you read my hunt report, you'll see that this guy was the TOUGHEST animal I went after, and didn't get him until the final hours of my hunt. You can see the huge grin on my face when I posed with him. He was an incredible trophy and specimen, and what was even cooler was that it was the most difficult shot I have ever made. The icing on the cake was that one of the skinners used my very own Buck knife to skin him and cut the head off.
Nice hide. Is that a Hartmann's Mountain Zebra? That's what I took in Namibia. Be sure to tell your taxidermist to comb out the tail, as they are known to leave them tangled and sometimes full of stuff!
Yes, LionHunter, it is a Hartman's Mountain Zebra - and thanks for the advice on the tail. This taxidermist so far has really impressed the hell out of me. I feel so very lucky that I got such an amazing specimen - they and a lot of others have told me that this is one of the nicest they've seen in a long time. I can't wait to get it!
I have to agree with you about the Zebra being the hardest to hunt. We took Zebra, Kudu, Gemsbok, Blesbok, Impala, Waterbucks, Warthogs, etc. and the hardest by far to get a shot at was the Zebra. After chasing them around for 2 days, the shot I finally got was quartering away right at 250 yds away with him trotting. The warthogs came in a real close second. With them being close to the ground and all the ground cover, that made the shots a little difficult. By the time you saw them, they were already at a dead run. They knew what time a day it was when they saw people. They were a little gun shy to say the least.
JC, great pic! Ya got me all fired up about getting my stuff back, but it'll probably be next fall:( Oh, well.

Yer right about the zebra being tough, I had a real firefight with mine....

JC, great pic! Ya got me all fired up about getting my stuff back, but it'll probably be next fall Oh, well.

Yer right about the zebra being tough, I had a real firefight with mine....


OK, did a 1/2 hr. stalk, and got up on it at about 80 yds. I whispered which one, he said the one looking at you. I punched here in the chest, but didn't allow for the quartering angle, and only clipped 1 lung. The rest...theysay... is history.:rolleyes: Took 6 more shots[including misses and murdered trees:D], to get it on the ground. Here's a pic, think it'll make a beautiful rug.


