Woodsmaster 750 Trigger Adjustment

The factory setting of the trigger on my Remington Woodsmaster 750 has a very long and heavy pull....too much for hunting with accuracy. How difficult is it to adjust it myself? I am not a gunsmith myself, but it looks to me that a lighter tension spring is all this thing needs. If so, who sells the springs?
Rdesperado211, I believe you must mean either the Model 740 or 742 that you have. The trigger group assembly on these is rather complicated for the uninitiated. The trigger "can" be improved but this is a job for a "competent" gunsmith! I would recommend this be the "route" that you travel in this case...........................Dick

Rd: Brownells sells assorted springs, but I'm not sure if there is a spring kit specifically for the 742/750. The 742/750 uses the same basic trigger group design as the 870/1100. It's safe and reliable, but was never meant to be a match trigger. That said, you can lighten the pull somewhat by changing to a lighter trigger spring but thats about all that can be done safely.

Thanks guys...just to confirm for BowHunter - I do have have a 750 Remington Woodsmaster. I did speak to a the gunsmith at Gander Mountain and he said they don't work on it because it is so complicated. I did find on E-Bay a service that offers to reduce the pull to "match grade" at around 2.5 to 3.5 pounds.
There are a couple guys that advertise on gunbroker under the heading gunsmithing that do trigger jobs on the Remi semi rifles. Contact one of them; I'm sure they can do the trigger on your 750.
Rdes211, My error and apology. Looks like I need to take another look at the newer stuff on the market. I know well the Rem 740/742/4 and 7400 but the 750 completely threw me off. I stand corrected. Thank you sir................Dick;)