Woodsman Fitz


New to forum, can't spell,recenty bought small collection of pistols mainly for the Woodsman 2nd gen. It got me thinking, my dad had left a Woodsman to one of his grandchildren and it had been Fitzed. Why would someone do that to a Woodsman. They did a good job you can't tell where material was removed, the blueing looks good. They messed up a nice pistol. Any thoughts?
Thought: They messed up a nice pistol. The only thing worse is chopping off the trigger guard of a Smith & Wesson and calling it a "Fitz."
If it was truly "Fitzed" you'd certainly be able to tell where the front of the trigger guard had been cut and completely removed, exposing the trigger. If it was a "semi-Fitz" where the front of the trigger guard was narrowed on one side that might not be so noticeable. It was usually done to facilitate faster/easier trigger access. As far as doing it on a Woodsman, the only reason I can think of is if that it might make it easier to get a gloved finger in the trigger guard in the winter. Perhaps the owner used the gun when trapping or something.

Got any pictures?
I just finished "Fitz-ing" a Colt New Service and sent it out for a refinish. Would love to see pics of your variation on the theme.