Wooden Platform for Prone Shooting?

Swifty Morgan

New member
Yesterday I cleared out some ground so I would have a 100-yard shooting lane free from weeds. While I was getting ready to put down a tarp and my mat, it occurred to me that it might be smart to build a wooden platform for prone shooting. It would give me a little elevation above the weeds, and it would make a small difference in the trajectory, which could make shooting slightly safer.

Do other people use wooden platforms? I was thinking of making something about as high as a chair seat, using plywood and 4x4's. I would have to put a roof on it to keep the cattle out.
I don't, but the WW II German army used them to train their soldiers.

Think of it like building a small deck. You may want to use that faux deck or walkway wood.
My local public range

Here is the setup they put together at a local public shooting club


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It is hard to tell without scale, but yes, they do shoot prone on them.

They also shoot that weird on your back pistol form that I can never remember the name of.
Here's a better shot to show scale.

I don't really know anything about who made them.

[edit] Another club I've seen just piled up some dirt to get a bit of elevation above ground level.


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Thanks for all the effort.

What that guy is doing is not the same thing as shooting prone. Actually, it looks sort of like yoga.

For prone shooting, you lie on your stomach and spread your feet. I think I can manage it on a 4' by 8' sheet of plywood, but 4' is a little narrow for proper foot position.
Swity....i have shot off the ground a lot....not a big deal...take your mower and cut the grass close for a shooting lane....

I doubt if you take a course they will have you on a platform....so I think you should train off the ground

Just my opinion

Platforms are good.
Do yourself a favor and elevate the end facing the targets by at least 6-8 inches, possibly more. (Mock something up and test to see what you prefer.)
Prone is more comfortable when you're facing uphill, than when you're dead-flat.
Easier on the neck and shoulders, too.

I've got a vintage framed photo of what appears to be National Guard troops circa pre WWI, firing '03 Springfields at some type of match. Two shooters side by side, on an elevated firing point. Appears to be 2x8" lumber on edge, resulting box apparently dirt filed and then seeded and turf grown.

FWIW, uniforms are blue black shirt w/ tan trousers and campaign hat. Photo complete w/ scoreboard, spotter w/ telescope, and coach or on deck shooter, with numerous bystanders. Barracks or admin buildings in background, along with First Aid tent with flag.
A friend and I shot out of the back of his van while his building was under construction.
Vehicles are usable platforms.

Nothing wrong with building a platform to let you see over the weeds and terrain features.
I shot on the ground today. I had to walk to the target and back, moving grass and weeds that photo-bombed the scope.

I am no expert, but it seems like mirage is pretty heavy right down against the ground.
Yesterday I cleared out some ground so I would have a 100-yard shooting lane free from weeds. While I was getting ready to put down a tarp and my mat, it occurred to me that it might be smart to build a wooden platform for prone shooting. It would give me a little elevation above the weeds, and it would make a small difference in the trajectory, which could make shooting slightly safer.

Swifty Morgan
Senior Member

Join Date: September 13, 2018
Location: FL

Sounds like a great place for some snakes to make a home; I would make it high enough to easily see under and clear out if necessary
Jug(?) It seems Ft.Bliss, TX had shooting platforms for a time out by Donna Anna and McGregor Range areas. They were kind of cool. I think it might be a pretty good idea for you Ya'll have fire ants, snakes, gators, spiders, and critters even God probably hasn't seen. I'd be all for staying out of those!.
It would be nice to be off the ground. I would do it if I had property. I would add a roof though, so I could shoot in the shade and not have to worry about direct sun on my chronograph :)
I finally finished the platform. The main delay was painting. Sand and prime. Wait a day. Paint. Wait a day. Sand and paint. I could have gone the Bubba route and used $3 Krylon, but I wanted something that would last more than a month.

I'm going to put hardware cloth on the right side to confine spent casings so they don't fly out into the pasture. That should be helpful.

Tomorrow I have to figure out how to carry this a quarter-mile with the tractor. After that, I should be fine, provided the cattle don't try to turn it into a day bed.



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Moving it with the tractor turned out to be a cinch. Time to try it out.



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    07 20 20 shooting platform build 12 platform in pasture small.jpg
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