Wood stock for AR-15?


Retired Screen Name
I've been convinced by reading the many posts to this forum that I want to get a .223 semi-auto w/ a detachable magazine like a Rem. 7400 for plinking (and maybe medium to long range defense). Any such thing?
What I'd really like is an AR-15 with a wooden stock. Does someone already do this?

I know about the Mini-14, but I like what I've heard here about the accuracy, reliability, availability of parts, etc. for the AR-15.

Is this a crazy idea? Should I just give in and get a Mini-14?

Thanks all!

[This message has been edited by gunpark (edited November 20, 1999).]
I don't mean this to be a flame at all, but it probably is a nutty idea. JP makes a nice thumbhole laminated wooden stock for any AR. They'll still never look like a Rem., and, thank G., they won't shoot like a 7400.

If you're that concerned about "calling" your AR a hunting rifle because of it's looks, then you're probably barking up the wrong tree.

Shoot to kill; they'll stop when they're dead!
Yeah, I think you're right. I did look at the laminated stocks at JP and they're very nice. Might go with that. Although I'm beginning to think I'd be better off with just a .243 semi-auto from rem. for hunting and stick w/ the 870 20 ga. (which I have) for self-defense.

Thanks; it is a beautiful option.

You may consider one of the earlier Heckler & Kock hunting rifles or carbines like the SL6 in .223Rem. Same robust action and technology in a "low profile" firearm. Find them at gunshows, ads in Shotgun News or The Gunlist, or even by doing meta searches on the internet.
I did see the SL6 on H&K's web site, but it only holds 2 extra rounds if I remember right. I'd like a few more than that - at least ten. Any way to extend this? It doesn't have a detachable mag. does it?
You can get just what you like.
Bushmaster sells a wood thumbhole stock for the AR that you can bolt on what ever AR you get. www.bushmaster.com

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
I am sometimes wrong, and this is probably one of those times, but I think that the JP stock and the one that Bush sells are identical.

"What's wrong with the way a 7400 shoots?"

Nothing, for deer hunting out to MAYBE 200 yds. Just not too accurate.

I don't understand why anybody would want a semi-auto for deer hunting. A good bolt, like the Rem. 700, would be my preference. Most deer are taken with one well-placed shot, unless a deer is wounded and a coup shot is needed.
Thanks. Actually the gun isn't for hunting its for plinking, *maybe* medium-distance defense and target shooting.

I can't seem to find the laminated wood stock on bushmaster's web site -- I even did a search. Can you give me a specific url?
