Wondering about Winchester Supreme O/U...


New member
Has anyone handled or shot the new Winchester Supreme O/U, in either the "field" or "sporting" trim? I'm a ways away from being able to afford one ($1000+?), just wondering if they compare favorably to similarly priced offerings from Browning, etc.

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Although I've shot many O/Us, I haven't shot the Supreme. One thing I have found is that fit and feel is a lot more important than exotic wood, fancy engraving and gold inlay. Those are the things that really run up the cost of a shotgun. If it fits you well it doesn't matter much if you are shooting a $1,000 model or a $3,000 model. The rest is up to you and your skill.
Thanks, Bullseye. I just have a yearning for a Winchester O/U. I'd actually prefer an original 101, but cannot find one within financial reach. The Supreme "looks" good anyway...just wonderin'.

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