Wonder about getting info on CCW


New member
In around 8 months I will be 21. Once 21 comes around im thinking of getting a CCW. I live in WA and I was wondering where I could get the best info. on getting a cww. But most importantly I want to know what my limits are as what I can do under law in a given stiuation. I think that if I dont know exactly what I can and cant do to protec myself then it would really hinder my abilty to do so. I was thinking about going into the local pd and talking with them, but im not sure how helpfull that would be. I want to be a responsable ccw'er but im having a hard time find good and reliable information. As I said before I live in washington state and would really love it if somone could give me a good link or somthing that could get me on the right track.

From what I have read around TFL there isnt a set of guidlines and it all kinda matter what happens iin the situation. I think regardless of if I get a ccw I should know what I am legaly aloud to do as I own a gun for hd. Thank you in advance for any help you my bring me.

Definately check out packing.org. Also a good idea to call the local LE to find out if they have any local restrictins on CC.

You might try contacting the NRA, they have a lot of helpful information.

Come to think of it, this might be a good time to join, maybe take a course from them!

I'm in WA and CCW -

Packing.org is a good place to start. From there you can get to the state legislature's site that has full listings of the RCWs and any revisions. (http://apps.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.aspx) Pay special attention to http://apps.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.aspx?cite=9.41, firearms laws, and http://apps.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.aspx?cite=9A.32, definitions of homicide.

To the best of my knowledge, WA isn't a "Stand Your Ground" state - in other words, if you can escape a life threatening situation, you should first make any reasonable attempt to do so. In other words, if you can run and get away, do so. (Regardless of law, generally good advice for a civilian - the best gunfight is the one you don't get into.) This may vary, though, on whether or not you're in your own residence or place of business.

You may know this already, but the standard procedure in WA is to file the application at your local sheriff's dept., pay your $60, and wait 30 days. WA is a "Shall Issue" state, so unless you have disqualifying reasons, the sheriff must grant it - and the burden isn't on you to prove to them why you need a CCW. Another upshot of having a CCW in WA is that you're no longer subject to the 5 day waiting period on handguns. (So nice to be able to pay for something and actually take it home the same day - what a novel concept :rolleyes: ) When you're at the sheriff's dept., ask if they have the firearms pamphlet published by the WA dept. of Fish and Wildlife, "Firearms Safety, the Law and You". It's basically a reprint of the firearms regulations, but a handy reference. The staff there probably won't be able to tell you much more than that, as they're not neccessarily in a position to give legal advice on the job.

I commend your interest in lawfully possesing, and potentially using, a gun for self-defense. And yes, the laws can be a bit ambiguous.. Keep in mind that even if you use a gun in self-defense in good faith, you're still potentially exposing yourself to, at least, manslaughter charges. Whether or not that actually happens is dependent on the situation, and to some extent, the local DA, but the possbility is there. It's not unheard of at all for well-intentioned, good people to serve hard time for using a gun when the law said they shouldn't. My own rule of thumb - don't shoot until you have absolutely no other choice. And, of course, half the trick is avoiding a situation where you have no other choice. So attempt to escape or de-escalate the situation if at all possible, and consider lethal force a last resort.

(The preceding is not intended to be legal advice, as the author makes no binding claims or representations as to the accuracy of the preceding information nor is the author a practicing lawyer or counsel. User of the above information assumes all liabilty for any use of said information, and agrees to not hold the author liable for any actions or consequences arising from the above text. The reading of the above text, and/or this disclaimer constitutes acceptance of this disclaimer. ;) )
From what I read on packing . com wa is "stand your ground state". Im really happy you guys helped me on this one. I just hope I will never have to use a gun. Do much of ccw rules apply when you are in your own house? I have a feeling that they are less strick of using force in your own house.
Very generally speaking, yes, you have more leeway in your own house. But don't take that to mean that you'll get away with shooting a BG in the back as they flee..

As far as the "Stand your ground", I have seen contradictory info regarding WA, and the newest info had to do with recent news stories of other states considering it.. but you know how the reliable the internet can be. I guess I need to dig into the states site and get it from the horse's mouth-
Ok... looking at packing.org:
While it is always appropriate to retreat before using deadly force if safe to do so, Washington State has no statutory requirement to attempt to retreat before deadly force can be lawfully employed. Washington is a "stand your ground" state. For a detailed interpretation for what this might mean, be sure to contact a lawyer admitted to the Washington State bar.

But if you scroll further down, the section on deadly force law summary, the RCW contains no specific reference to "Stand your ground" or "Duty to retreat" that I can find. So it seems that there's no explicitly stated law regarding this.. I guess here's where the 'interpretation' begins. And it would also be dependent on the situation and precedent in other cases.

If you're really concerned about it, you'd need to consult a lawyer, I suppose.

Personally, I still think it's better to adopt the mindset of "Get away if you can" - tactically better for your health and probably more legally defensible than jumping into a gunfight when you didn't necessarly need to.
I really hate how it is wishy washey. YOu would think that somthing this important would be ez to find info on. You shouldnt have to interpret the law when it comes too saving your life and possably taking somone's. I just wish it was more too the point you know. I have been thinking about getting a lawyer but I really dont know how to go about finding one, and know that...... I have a lawyer.