Woman who cried Rape!


New member
This has been in the news quite a bit lately. She got 5 years and should do half that amount. I wish I'd been on her jury she would have gotten 10 years.


Woman who cried rape in Arlington slaying is released

Tracy Roberson was released from jail shortly after 6 p.m. Thursday after a judge approved her request for a $25,000 appeal bond, a Tarrant County spokesman said.

Tracy Roberson was sentenced to five years in prison on Monday for her role in the December 2006 shooting death of her lover, Devin LaSalle, 32.

Roberson found LaSalle and his wife embracing in a truck in front of the Robersons' south Arlington home.

After Tracy falsely cried out that she was being raped, Darrell Roberson fatally shot LaSalle, police said.

A grand jury declined to indict Darrell Roberson.

Jurors convicted Tracy Roberson of involuntary manslaughter, believing the prosecution's assertions that her actions led to LaSalle's death.
Never knew that

I've been called for Jury duty at least 5 times in the last 15 years and never get selected. To conservative and to much of a WASP.
Jury= 12 people too dumb to get out of jury duty.
That is something someone who has never been on a jury would say. It is obviously not spoken from a position of first-hand knowledge of the subject.

I believe jury duty is an obligation we all have as citizens of this great nation.

I have more respect for the people on the OJ jury than I do for people who call all jurors dumb. :mad:

Back on topic - What a poorly written article. In the third paragraph, the author uses the surname "Roberson" to refer to the husband, Darrell Roberson, whose name hasn't even appeared in the article yet. The first time I read it I thought that Tracy Roberson had found Devin LaSalle and Mrs. LaSalle embracing in the truck in front of her house. :confused:
Jury= 12 people too dumb to get out of jury duty.

Interesting that usually the ones who feel this way toward juries are the first one to criticize any verdict that a jury hands down. If you want the laws enforced fairly do something about them besides complaining.
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Personally, I liked jury duty. Everyday I showed up and read a novel until they told me to go home. The one time I made it to juror selection, they asked if anyone had ever been involved in an auto accident where a potentially malfunctioning stoplight was involved. I thought about raising my hand, but they didn't ask if anyone had ever defended such a suit. ;)

The only times I've ever personally watched a blatantly stupid and/or biased decisions come down, it's been in a bench trial. With juries, they got it right. That's because you have 12 individuals making the decision, rather than one person who may be having a bad day, have fallen asleep during a key part of testimony (not fun when it happens to you) or not like your client.
What a poorly written article. In the third paragraph, the author uses the surname "Roberson" to refer to the husband, Darrell Roberson, whose name hasn't even appeared in the article yet. The first time I read it I thought that Tracy Roberson had found Devin LaSalle and Mrs. LaSalle embracing in the truck in front of her house.


i Kan haz righting skilz?