Woman shoots intruder during 911 call


New member

So this seems to be an old clip but my girlfriend posted it today.

This woman was home alone when an older man she didn't know tried to break into her house.

She immediately called 911. While on the phone they were taking too long to get there so she went and grabbed the shotgun. She informed the dispatcher she was taking it off safety and it was ready to go. They advised her she had the right to protect herself and to do so. She is hesitant and audibly upset but says she will kill him. A few seconds later she says that the guy is in, she's going to shoot the guy, and then a couple of bangs followed by her crying and saying she thinks she's killed the guy.

A successful story it seems. This woman will probably always carry that scar but she lived. She did not want to kill anybody but did not hesitate when the time came.

What she did right, in my opinion:
1) Immediately called 911
2) Former training in how to use the firearm
3) Provided 911 constant information about what she was doing
4) Did not move to a location that would put her at a disadvantage (moving to the bathroom, as suggested, would have probably made it possible to manipulate the shotgun away from her)
5) Did not "jump the gun" and shoot the intruder when he was outside
6) She did not hesitate to shoot and continue shooting until the suspect had stopped.

What do you guys think about this story?
A couple of responses have disappeared. One was a useless and out of place jest and one was a political comment.

But this is Training and Tactics. We are here to discuss training and tactics issues. So let's stick with those subjects. I'm sure given the nature of the video folks can think of some on-topic contributions to make.

What can be learn from this?
I think one thing we can learn from this is that along with the gun the dog was also a great tool and may have saved her life. Is she hadn't heard the dog barking it's possible he could've gotten in the house without her knowing and she wouldn't have had the chance to react. I know if someone was pounding on my door like that my dog would be going nuts. I would worry that my dog would get in the line of fire and be jumping on and/or attacking the man upon entering the house.
Nobody wants to take a life but in a situation like this sometimes you have to defend yours or pay the price for not. Kuddos for the woman who atleasr had a gun, knowing how to operate it and doing so when the time arose. Im not a fan of locking one up in case if things moved very quickly or at three in the morning while she was asleep and woke with the man in her bedroom but glad this worked out for the woman. Great job.
Is this the gal in Oklahoma?

She was married to an older guy, he died. They were living in the boonies in a mobile home, she had a young baby and a big dog. Some goof decided he was going to "take her." So one night he and a buddy that is just as bright as himself snuck out and poisoned the dog. A few nights after that they made their romantic move, and tired to get into the mobile home. The young mother called 911, and asked about shooting the perp. Dispatch said it was her right to do so, and that help was on their way. Doofuses got in, young lady drilled the lead dummy at the door with a shotgun. Other guy split and was later caught.

Cleaned up the gene pool a bit.

Just to clarify things, You shouldnt have to be told by anyone that you have a right to defend yourself. Good move to get it on the 911 tape but anywhere you go you still have that right.

There was a recent story in Utah, where due to funding cuts, there was no LE to come to the lady's rescue and she didn't have a gun, the results were very bad, but at least she's alive and maybe will reconsider a gun next time?:confused:
In my opinion...I think she was wrong in not warning the bad guy that he about to be shot. You never know, it could be a LEO breaking into a house.

Shotgun News...had a story about just that kind of event. The LEO had the wrong address, when he busted into a guy's house. The homeowner shot an killed the LEO --- thinking that he was a burglar --- with the homeowner being sentenced to a 10 year prison term. Most LEO's don't announce there presence, when they might have a reason of entering a private residence.
The homeowner shot an killed the LEO --- thinking that he was a burglar --- with the homeowner being sentenced to a 10 year prison term.

Something does not sound right. Wrong house or not, anyone coming through the door unannounced is just asking to be shot. There has to be more to the story. . .
Agree, Leo or not- Coming into my house unannounced you better have your life right because youre on your way to see your maker!
And if wrong house-Stupid mistake that could cost you your life and homeowner wouldnt be held liable.
And I disagree- I dont fire warning shots! -Just scare them away only to go somewhere else to do harm to the ones not prepared, I think not!

If it was that way and I was a robber, raper, whoever- then right before I went thru door or window Id holler out "police" lol Crazy

But I know we have alot of bleeding hearts saying "he could have fired a warning shot and scared them away" Poor robber was just trying to get food for his 15 kids, not to mention he was a meth head or trying to rape a small child but O well, we'll always have toses types with us.
I don't have the Shotgun News article with me, since it is at my home. I'll have to reread the story to verify. Check with you later this weekend on that if I can.

About 30 years ago, a neighbor called the Baltimore County police about a complaint about loud late night music at my house. I was on the phone in my bedroom...when I saw flashlight beams in my darkened living room. I walked out of my bedroom into the darkened hallway --- while holding a beer can dangling from my right arm. There were two police officer's in my living room --- one went for his sidearm --- probably thinking that my beer can was a pistol; but he did not draw from his holster.

I was trying to warn the neighborhood about the Three Mile Island meltdown event by playing loud music, so the neighbor's would close their window's, inorder so that they would not get a draft of radioactive fallout. I was on the phone with one of the clean-up maids at Three Mile Island --- who apparently played an April's Fool joke on me --- by saying that they were going to start-up the partially melted reactor core, that night the cops came into my house unannounced.

Yes...it was one of the most stupidest things I've done in my life.
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There is no reason under the sun or the moon for any LEO to do a no-knock entry at my place.

Therefore, . . . anyone who attempts a no-knock entry will be met with hot lead going down range in a severly fast manner.

That is the training scenario I have undergone, . . . and the tactics I will employ.

I built my house, know every square inch of it, . . . and there is no place anyone can stand outside near a door and have cover, . . . concealment maybe, . . . but cover is not available, . . . therefore anyone attempting to break in to my house, . . . is in deep doo doo before they start.

But back to the OP: good for her, . . . I feel bad that she may allow herself to carry some kind of guilt trip over this, . . . but anyone who plays that game has to know that sooner or later, . . . the chips will not fall your way, . . . and that night it was his turn to be the loser.

May God bless,
I agree that the only addition should have been announcement.

We have firearms for SD because we might need them. That doesn't mean we want to use them under threat. Anything we can do to avoid having to use them is good. Yelling something to the effect that you have a firearm, will use it to defend yourself and the cops are on the way doesn't cost you, and might get rid of bad guy without bloodshed. Be prepared to shoot if nessasary, and take every avalible means to avoid shooting at all.

As for no knock warrents, well, those are detrimental to both LEO and to everyone else. The record of mistaken addresses and general screw ups is bad enough, and I don't think anyone who would be legitamatly served a search/arrest warrent is gonna care weither it was announced or not when someone bust through the door.
Last year I was home on a Saturday night and just finished watching one of those real life murder mysteries, when a man appeared in my front yard, yelling "Hey! Hey! Hey!" Now I live on a ranch at the end of a road, surrounded by other ranches, so this was pretty unusual. I chose to:

1) set my house alarm
2) call my neighbors
3) get my dog
4) open the window and ask what he wanted

He responded that he wanted to park his car at my house. Turned out he was drunkedy-drunk-drunk, and had no idea where he was. Then he stumbled off into the darkness. I went out to follow him, because if he passed out he'd be pig bait. Luckily my neighbors found him and were able to contact his wife. I'm so glad I didn't overreact and get my gun; I'm also glad it was there in case I needed it.
OK, second addition.

You shouldn't be in a position to need to "go get" the gun.

Speaks the woman with a loaded XD sitting next to her bed and the loaded 10/22 next to her chair in the living room (ok, so the 10/22 is really just for that possum with a death wish that keeps coming around, but still)
I would have called the law and had him charged with P.I. And had him and his car towed away. He had to drive to your house that way so he showed no respect for other lives he passed on the road driving. But that's just me.
I know, I thought about that at the time, and since then, too; I'm horrified when people drive drunk. I don't know if I made the right decision, but I made it, and it's done. As far as the law, I once called and reported that there was someone unknown on my ranch shooting, and the sheriff's department never showed up. Just part of living in the country. :rolleyes:

And possums are cool; they eat snakes and big bugs, and they are totally harmless. Plus, they're cute! (well, I think they're cute!!) :o