Woman shoots at armed burglar in Lake City FL, probably saves own life. WWYD?


New member

A Columbia County woman told deputies that she surprised a burglar in her home and was cut several time before she was able to pick up a gun and shoot at him, at which point he fled.

Another link with more details:

Basically, armed woman comes home to find someone wielding a knife has broken into her home. Woman is stabbed/cut/attacked by the intruder, but manages to convince the guy with a few shots from a handgun he had better get out of there.

Another example of guns saving lives, someone comes home at an unusual time only to find an intruder in their home who is armed.

Looks like the bad guy was sadly not shot, or else he would have turned up by now.
Thankfully the woman probably saved her own life by being armed.

This poses a question though, if you came home and "surprised" an armed burglar what would you do different?

Well, for starters I wouldn't have to find a gun, as I almost always have one on my person.

Second, I should be tipped off by the lack of barking, since the odds are the burglar would have poisoned or otherwise subdued the dogs. (Actually, the odds are the burglar would have been deterred by the large, barking dogs, and picked another house... but I'm playing the what if game.)

If the dogs and the wife were with me, and we suspected an intruder were in the home, we'd stay with the truck and call 911. Let the Sheriff's department clear the house.
Burglars are incinerated by my home made security defense system. So by the time I got home there wouyld be a tasty snack for the hogs...

WWID? fight like hell and kick the guys rear end, then a short torture session and he will not ever do that again as long as he lives, no court needed.

The dogs inside the house are hungry...