Woman protecting herself: Positive story

+1 for the good guys/girls.
-1 bad guy.

If the media reports are correct....... this ought to be a poster case for CHL and the Second Amendment.
Good on the woman and the sheriff.

The article mentions she has a concealed carry permit and had training to get that permit. She may have had more training than the minimum but I wonder what the training requirement is for a South Carolina permit?
Yep. Stopped the threat right there. I gotta say, this woman has fortitude. Training, IMHO, would be the most helpful thing any person could do. This artcle has us talking about being proactive.
Fair amount of these stories along with polls/questions/comments on home defense guns. So, along with wandering around this and other forums, it makes one ponder the 'what would I do' scenario. One thing I have discovered after seeing the below is..after the incident is over, with a decent outcome, I think homeowners need to remember that when the police DO arrive, they know very little..only react to what they see..So..I think it would be important for ME to put the gun down, stand there with arms raised and wait till the tension goes down..to not get shot..
