Wolf ammo?

Wolf Ammo

I have seen many post here and on other forums where shooters have had problems with the Wolf ammo. Most complaints were about "hard primers" "loads were unconsistent" and if I am not mistaken, Wolf is covered with a laquer that can readilly gunk up your weapon. However, I did notice in an ad the other day that someone was selling two different types of Wolf. A standard ammo and a premium ammo. May be worth checking into.
Warning... Wolf ammo

My range now prohibits use of ALL Wolf Pistol and Rifle ammo after a NUMBER of handguns and rifles (AR's) have blown up on the stuff. Stay away from it.

I've shot around 300 rounds of this, mostly in 9mm, but quite a few in .380. I've had two fail-to-fire in the .380. Its accuracy is average.

It is pretty smokey! Reminds me of the phrase from Apocalypse Now: "I love the smell of napalm in the morning"!

Interesting to hear about the ban on the ammo at Ben's range. Food for thought.

Use of Wolf ammunition

Hello -

I used to chamber Wolf ammunition exclusively when firing my .45 ACP on the public range not far from here. It made my weapon smoke like a 1972 Dodge. It also required a modest increase in labor when cleaning my weapon.

Nonetheless, I NEVER experienced a misfire attributable to this particular brand of ammunition. I quickly became fond of the $2.00 to $3.00 per-box savings over other brands, too.

I currently use PMC and/or American Eagle ammuntion for all of my pistols when at the firing range. Each is relatively clean (American Eagle has the edge here), and both are usually available in bulk at gun shows. I don't give the increased cost of these brands much thought. My ammunition is purchased in bulk for cash at most arms bazaars, and I recommend that you do the same. I'm looking forward to the BIG show at the Harrisburg, PA Farm Show complex during 09/10 Dec. 00.

Regarding the defensive use of my aforementioned inventory: cocked, locked, and Hydra-Shocked.

In closing, I can hesitantly recommend Wolf ammunition. Perhaps it's best to consider other brands. Why feed Kia quality into your Lexus product?

Tall Man
A wayward son carrying on.
I have fired close to 10,000 rounds of Wolf ammo through my Glocks with no more difficulty than any other brand. It does stink (smell bad), though.

I've fired thousands of rounds of the 7.62x39 through my SKS, no problems as of yet. And I haven't experienced any of the smokiness.
I used to be a big fan of Wolf 9mm. But I've had 4 stuck cases in the last batch I bought. (Cases wouldn't eject after firing). I mean these cases were STUCK in the tube. Required significant effort to push them out. Never had that problem with other ammo. Maybe its the laquer coating?

So now I'm back to PMC/UMC/Winchester for plinking ammo.
Wolf Ammo -- Check the TFL Archives

This is a frequently discussed topic. You can find several germane threads in our archives. IMHO, there are simply too many "horror stories" concerning Wolf to risk its use . . . why potentially damage a $300 to $3000 weapon to save a few bucks.

Try http://www.ammoman.com for inexpensive, quality ammunition with no handling or delivery charges (yes, they also carry Wolf).

[Edited by RWK on 11-22-2000 at 06:57 PM]