Wolf 9mm ammo and two Glock 17s


New member
I went AZ last weekend and did some shooting with a friend of mine. We both own Glock 17s with fixed sights. I didn't load any 9mm to shoot, so I used some of the Wolf ammo that he had brought with him.
I normally don't like to use it because I have a suspicion that the steel cases will cause some wear to my Glock. But I thought that 20 or 30 rounds wouldn't be a big deal. We both loaded our Glocks out of the same box of 50.
I tried to shoot this wooden box that was on the ground about 40ft away. I aimed and fired and watched a cloud of dust kick up about halfway to the target on the GROUND! It might have been lower than the ground. We were shooting acoss a small ditch. My shots kept hitting the side of the ditch well below my point of aim.
I then watched Chad shoot his Glock and it was right on target. We shot a little more to confirm all of this because I couldn't believe it. I changed my point of aim to about 2 feet above the box and I started to hit it.
I know that my sights are fine. I shoot all of my reloads just fine. The sights were askew or loose or anything. It was just a strange experience.
It got me to thinking that I had better practice with the Hydra-Shoks that I load for defense. And maybe I had better make sure that they are all from the same lot numbers that I keep loaded in my gun.
I sure am glad that I didn't try to shoot through a chrono, or else I would have.
Practicing with Hydra-Shoks can be a very expensive proposition. I have a Glock 21 and shoot Wolf 45acp almost exclusively since my "business load" is 45acp Federal Hydra-Shoks. I've gone through 1500 rounds with no sign of stress on my gun. I've had 4 FTFs though, all of which could be attributed to the ammo. Wolf has had a reputation of having extra hard primers.
I won`t use Wolf anymore.

I`ve been told the steel case is hard on the chamber and the laquer coating does gum up the gun. Those FTF`s may be from that as I had the same problem with my Kahr. A good cleaning and better ammo and no more problems.
I would never use anything with a steel case in any gun. If you want cheap ammo to plink with Winchester white box and Fiocchi is as good as any.
I went through a period where I used Wolf exclusively in my HP clone. Probably 500-1000 rounds. It was very accurate in my pistol and shot to point of aim.

But I has 3-4 rounds stick in the chamber and I mean they were REALLY stuck. Took uncomfortable measures to get them out. Never happened with any other brand of ammo. And then my extractor broke. Could be coincidence, but maybe not. I stick with brass ammo now, just to be sure.
Wolf ammo getting stuck...


I wonder if running the Wolf ammo through a Lee carbide factory crimp die (resizes cases of entire cartridges) would possibly prevent this?
As much as I like Lee FCD's, I don't think they'll make that crappy Wolf ammo any less crappy. You might succeed, however, in ruining your Lee Factory Crimp Die.
I've used Wolf ammo in my Ruger P94 with good results. I don't reload, and at less than $6.00/box the price is right. I always clean my pistol immediately after use, and have never noticed any lacquer build up or scratches in the chamber. But if it causes problems for you, I would not recommend using it.

.......can use whatever ammo they want, but I will never understand the mentality.

I never ever bought "just-go-bang(maybe)" ammo; WHY? For a very modest increase in price I could always buy known-quality ammo, and never have the oh-so-wonderful experiences I keep reading here..........

Is it just me?


"all my ammo is terribly expensive factory ammo"
I use Wolf almost exclusively in my Ruger P89, and NEVER have I had a problem. I estimate that I have put several thousand rounds through it and not once has there been a problem.

It is very accurate and reliable in my gun.

I don't reload 9mm because it is cheaper to buy it then reload it. I also buy in bulk so there is more than a modest difference between Wolf and say Winchester or whatever.
9mm ammo

Steel is an inferior product with which to make bullets or brass. The russians do it cause it works, but not as well. The steel does not contract as much after firing and can cause extraction problems. I'd worry about excessive wear on my extractor leading to premature breakage. as someone mentioned, you can sometimes spend a little more and buy promotional S&B, PMC, South African PMP or for a bit more Winchester or Federal ball. When you can do that the russian pistol ammo just can't compete. The rifle ammo is another matter.... rc