Wolf 45ACP ammo


New member
Has anyone out there in TFL land tried any of this ammo?

I bought a box to try out but could not get to the range to shoot it. It seems to be a good bargain but I am concerned about the steel casings and the lacquer all over the case.

Anyone heard anything negative about this particular round. I know that the Wolf 223 ammo sometimes causes problems. How about the 45 ACP.

Geoff Ross
Wolf Ammo

I've been shooting Wolf ammo for 2 years and had absolutely NO PROBLEMS. I built a 9mm for steel shooting and have put about 7,000-8,000 rds. through it without any misfires or feed, extraction/ejection problems. No parts breakage or wear. I tried the 45 with the same results in my auto but in my S&W 625 the cases were hard to eject. I've got some 223 (64 gr bullet) that I want to try in my new Bushmaster V match. As soon as the weather improves, I'll try it out.
All I have shot of Wolf's ammo was 223 Rem and I haven't had one problem.
Plenty of trouble here...

The ONLY failures I've had in my USP 45 were with Wolf ammo. The steel cases are laquered, and when that stuff heats up, it just about fuses to the chamber. I used the stuff in an IPSC shoot about a year ago, and I was thoroughly embarrased. In 3 of the 6 stages I had at least 1 failure to extract. At the time the gun was new, so I thought that was the problem. Since then, it has happened on numerous occasions, and only with Wolf. Several times I have to use a cleaning rod to force the empty shell out. It's pretty embarassing to be at the range and have your gun malfunction like mine has with Wolf. The stuff is absolute garbage, and you can take mine if you want to come get it. If your in the Houston area, I'll give away the few boxes I have left.
Same lacquer is used for military ammo, including 7.62x54R
machinegun ammo. For some unknown reason, lacquer does not
create any problems for machine guns, which are known to warm up quite a bit...thre is just no comparison heat pattern of machinegun barrel and pistol barrel..I quess, if somebody has a problem with Wolf ammo, it may be that cartridge case does not match chamber or may be something else is going on.

My personal experience with Wolf in 9 mm and 7.62x39 has been trouble-free. Seems like a good reliable ammo, although
not as accurate as in comparison with my favorite Fiocchi.
The only thing that I couldn't stand with the .45 ACP Wolf that I shot was the stench of the powder after it burned. I got through one box and was absolutely gagging. Didn't have any feeding or extracting problems, but I traded in the other three boxes I had bought for some PMC.
If you check the TFL archives, you will find several threads re Wolf ammunition. In general, they indicate some satisfied users and some with real horror stories. I have always believed it's foolish to risk problems or damage to a quality handgun (perhaps costing $500 to $2000) in order to save pennies on ammo (the incremental cost between Wolf and Federal American Eagle, Winchester White Box, S&B, and so forth).

I tried the archives first, nothing came up on wolf ammo.

Of course, I just tried again and this time there were dozens of threads:)

Anyway, thanks for the replies. Looks like I will feed the wolf to my Sig 220, like mikey, it eats everything.

Geoff Ross

Beware, .45 Wolf ammo have fairly hard primmers and if your shooting them in Glocks they may give you failures to ignite.
Buyer Beware:

At the local LE shooting range 2 officers were shooting
Wolf Ammo .45 in 2 brand new HK .45 USP compacts
and both had the slide rails blow off....
(2 seperate occasions within 1 month)
Neither Officers were hurt(thank God) but Wolf ammo
is now banned there (for good reason).
The Quality control of this Russian ammo is
atrocious and the cartridges were WAY over-loaded.
(Ammo not the pistol was the reason and ANY pistol can
KB with "bad" ammo)
HK sent 2 brand new pistols to the Officers with
no questions asked...
Maybe it was a "fluke" but I wouldn't trust this ammo.
I wish I had some Pix of the "blown HK's"
Don't know the extent of the damage and I never saw
the pistols.
I am going by what the owner of the range (and close personal friend) told me...
Buyer Beware...You sometimes get what you pay for...
No problems

I put a few boxes of it through my behemoth (sorry, S&W 4506) without fault. The stuff is dirty as all hell, though, leaves laquer all over the place and, frankly, smells bad.

No joke. I had people from a few booths down ask me what the **** I was shooting.

Mike :D
I've shot the 9mm and .223 with no problem. I did however, had problems with the .45 with my USPC. The paint stuff made the round sticky and sometimes FTE. And because the cases are made of steel, it sounds harsh on my guns so I think the few dollars I save is not worth it.
I have shot about 500 rounds with my Glock 21 and the only problems where 4 misfires out of the 500. I checked and each of the 4 had some pretty deep indentations in the primer so I know it was ammo related and not firearm related.

For about $30 more a case, I get the MagTech or PMC and use this in my other items. I only use Wolf in my Glock.

Wolf was the only ammo to mis-feed on my Kimber. I blamed it on the break-in period but haven't used it since. That red stuff was hard to clean, also.