Wobble skeet, yes please.

OkieCruffler, my friend, it sounds like you had a great time with the wobblies. There aren't that many clubs set up for it. The Cody Shooting Complex is the only one I've visited. The local boys were shooting wobbly doubles when I got there, so that's what I shot. It's a different and fun game. As for a steady diet of wobblies: good training for wing shooters, but could be detrimental to NSSA competitors.
I know, us poor bastards who just shoot for fun and relaxation. The great fun of wobble is that you can't just learn the same trajectory. I kept getting the hi house throwing straight up and the low house running right along the ground. Doubles are a hoot. Makes me miss bird hunting.
wooble trap is not too bad,but i lower my morgen pad two-three grooves lower to shoot a little flatter. i run it four-five grooves high for regular trap. eastbank.
I agree its ok for fun .........but its not good for a new shooter learning fundamentals of shooting ...in my view.
Fine, Disclaimer - Do not attempt to shoot wobble skeet if you shoot skeet competitively. Clays are not thrown in a normal, recognizable trajectory and may cause confusion. Do not attempt to shoot wobble clays if you are a new shooter. Wobble clays could encourage new shooters to attempt to fire weapon while holding backwards resulting in severe injury. Do not shoot wobble skeet while wearing white after Labor Day. Do not run with scissors while shooting wobble skeet (or any other time, it's a bad idea) Wobble skeet may be closer than they appear. Do not attempt to drive or operate heavy machinery after shooting wobble skeet. If you shoot wobble skeet you will go blind.
and wooble skeet/trap does lighten the sport for some and make them light hearted after wards. not all skeet/trap shooters are pro,s and never will be, so enjoy all aspects of the clay games for what they are. i don,t shoot any better or worse after a few rounds of wooble skeet/trap, but i do laugh alot. eastbank.
I love wobble trap.

My first time out I got 23, 23, 20.

I've cleared a round once. That was a great feeling.

The last time out about half way through my first round I forgot how to use my shotgun. At least that's what it felt like, and I ended up with a 14 or 15. Very embarassing.

My second round, though, I did much better... 21 or 22.
I love wobble trap.
Many clubs have wobble trap when they don't want the expense of an Olympic trench, or just for the fun. Mike, we're talking about wobble Skeet. It's a different animal and a different kind of fun. Give it a try if you find a club set up for wobble Skeet. :)
I've shot wobble trap a few times and it's pretty entertaining. Once I started shooting skeet I kinda got a one track mind. They shoot 5 stand out out the club too and it's fun but the guys who shoot it tend to be a little less than inclusive.
We don't have wobble skeet at the club where I shoot, but we have a house with a wobble trap in it where the pin is on the skeet field. We shoot the wobble from the skeet positions. I've heard it called Chinese or Skrap. It's a lot of fun and makes for some colorful comments.
I think that the guys (or gals) that shoot from the low ready have a slight advantage in the wobble skeet game.
