wo ist all die Wildschweine? where's the pigs


New member
After a long battle with pigs, which hit its crescendo this time last year, a couple of months ago they basically vanished.

I could blame it on the drought and the resulting wild fires, but talking to other people in the area pigs are still being killed, trapped or otherwise dealt with at normal rates.

I have scoured every inch of the place and every mud hole and creek bottom. No signs or tracks found anymore.

I put tremendous pressure on them, unrelenting even in bad weather, after long days of work......ect.

I still doubt that I was the direct cause of their exit.

I am ready to declare it a pig free area. The goal has been accomplished, but pig elimination with no pigs kinda sucks and is a tad boring.
Pigs range over an extended area, the boars more so than the sows. When they feel overly pressured in one bedding area, they will relocate to another area several miles away. But don't worry, they will be back soon.
Believe me, you and the neighbors didn't kill them out. Pigs can multiply very fast. They just move here and there. They may move so
Ewhere else for a month or two and then move again. And when they come back you'll have fun again.
YOU should be glad they're gone We've been flat killin everyone we see for 6 years now between 40 to 70 a year. Those stinking thing are still screwing up every food plot we have.I would rather be bored than have these sobs on our property.Kill them all if you can,It wont take long they will be a problem We know we waited to long to start.:mad:
I am ready to declare it a pig free area.

Uh, don't be so hasty. We shot and caught over 40 pigs off one place. Except for a few solitary boars they were gone: Then four months later they came came back with a vengeance. The place is over-run with wild hogs-again.

In some areas the hogs are not moving around much. They lay up in the thickets during the day and dine in the wheat fields at night.
Oh yeah, I am glad they are gone. I worked hard to get to this point. Right now, I should be very busy dealing with pigs, it just seems odd to be all geared up and ready and nothing.....February will tell the tale, and I will know for sure. With this lull I've had time to work on coyotes so its not all boring.
We joke about the pigs taking the occasional vacation and going to Vegas. They can disappear for weeks at a time.

Similarly, we have seen this with the deer as well.

When you say that you have put tremendous pressure on them, what do you mean? You killed more than 100? More than 1 per week? More than one per month? You spent a lot of time in the stand?

How big is your place?

Think of your area as being just as pig-free as the US is terrorist-free. They are there, or close by, watching you. Time is on their side. Be vigilant.
Same here. I havent seen a pig on my lease for over a year. I rode in a couple of days ago and it looks like someone dropped a pig bomb. :(
Next to apes and dolphins pigs are smart animals. Like others said, wait a bit, they produce faster than cats and a new generation will be back.

Some weeks I would dispose of 25 or more pigs with 3 or so being average.

I run three traps and gun hunted in the evenings after work and late night most weekends.

There's been lulls before but I would still be able to find tracks and signs.

This is the first time that a complete disappearance of pigs has occurred.
My wife and I live to hunt yet we have never hunted pigs. We would love to harvest a pig or two but we dont know of anyone around here that has a pig problem. I have checked out some pig huntin websites but find they are over budget for us. So if you ever get your pigs back perhaps you can find someone like us to help you take 'em out.
3 a week on average is great! What size property?

If you think about hogs operating within a certain area/range and imagine a series of overlapping circles, chances are there are going to be hogs most often where the circles all overlap, but random or even non-random circumstances can have their influence and at a given time all the hogs that might or can visit your place are actually all elsewhere in their ranges.

Not to worry, I am sure that they are with my pigs in Vegas. They will be back.
I've got the pigs, but can't find the coyotes now. Plenty of deer on my place right now too. The other evening, when I shot the most recent pig, I had to shoot past 8 deer. They didn't even run off. I guess they know the season is over.

As for pigs, I do think they are pretty smart. I caught them a few times in one place and shot em up pretty bad a couple of times. I haven't seen a pig in that area since. We (pigs and I) relocated to a big hay field I have and I shot em up again. I never see them there now. We (pigs and I) are now in a far corner of the hay pasture and I've busted about 3 of them in the last 10 days. I hope they don't disappear from there now. Sneaky smelly pasture diggers....Putting my pasture right again is going to take many hours of tractor time.
100 acres many would come from neighbouring properties but the biggest contributor is the intermittent stream with high walls that bisects the place, they would come out and feast on round bales.

My main tactic was to find a trail that they would use on a scout, then basically wait for them to show. They will follow habits for a bit then change when a few get killed...then the cycle starts again with a new route.
I noticed a big decrease in the number of hogs around here this last year also. I figure it has to do with it being a drought year and the 100 degree weather, for record days in a row that we have had here. Since pigs don't have sweat glands, they would have to have water to stay cool, and since all the ponds in the area have pretty much dried up, They have probably re-located back to the larger lakes in the area for food, shade, and the water.
We had several days where the temperature got around 112 degrees, and I doubt that they moved around much during the day, coming out at night to feed, and probably not going very far from the water. Since the bigger lakes around here are mostly Corp of Engineers lakes, the restrictions on hunting, makes them a safer place for the hogs to linger.
As soon as we get some cooler weather and the spring rain fills the ponds back up, I'm sure they will be back.

Their are others here on the forum, who know far more than I on the subject, and they will tell me if this makes since or not.