WMD outing


New member
Just thought I would post a pic of our little shoot we had

picking up the brass after 5hrs of shooting was not fun though LOL
Back row M-1, M-14 (can't remember what the guy told me it was A Steyhr I though but I could be wrong), Mini-14 SS, B.A.R., Front row M-2 Carbine, Mac-11, 1921 28 overstamp Colt Commercial Thompson and a Maxum just to name a few.
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The guy with the tommy gun has his finger on the trigger and the girl has a MAC-10/9 pointed at his back.:eek:

Oh, and...


Where the hell did that guy get a semi auto sterling from!?!? I didn't even know those existed!
No the M11 is not pointing at the guy's (w/ tommygun) back. It just looks that way. The tommygun guy has his gun pointing upwards and may pose danger to birds or low flying aircraft. Come on man, that looks like some real clean fun. I'm guessing the littles girl's dad is the one with the M1 carbine. Can someone verify my guess? :D josh
Whatever that huge machine gun looking thing in the front is, it looks like its more fun than a Corvette on the Audobon. What is it called, and what round does it shoot? .50 cal?
Whatever that huge machine gun looking thing in the front is, it looks like its more fun than a Corvette on the Audobon. What is it called, and what round does it shoot? .50 cal?

I believe that is a Maxim Gun. If so, it is a .30 cal.
The Russians used Maxims in 7.62x54R also. If I'm not mistaken, the British had some in .303 before the Vickers was adopted.
TNT, I'm sorry man. You must be a good looking dude if she got her good looks from you (suckin' up for the my mistake). Cool pix and great quality way to spend with your daughter. :D josh
Nah the looks come from mom, dad just supplies the needed experience with weapons to show her that the 2nd Amendment is a right of hers that we hope is there for her and others of the next generations to follow. Oh yah I did give her a sense of humor.