WJC - IRS - 'church of $cientolgy'

Nestor Rivera

New member
I have NO idea if I am way off base here but I was watching the 'investagtive reports' yea not a great souce but once in a while it is intesting, any way it seems after 30 years of "war" with the IRS about being a church or not. in 1993 the IRS did an about face and said OK your are now tax exempt. Did maybe the new head of the Executive branch have something to do with it. NOTE I am asking but given the history any group with enough money has been able to buy a favor or 2 (China, Tyson, Indonasia etc....) Just asking ?

ankel length helmet, nomex, halon system ON!
Makes you wonder. Lot's of big names are part of Scientology. Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman for starters. Lot's of high profile people and lots of money. You have to pay to take "courses" in Scientology so you can be "Cleared" and be reincarnated. The courses cost big money.

I know several people involved with Scientology. They did have their tax exempt status revoked then returned. Hell, they used to sponsor a race car. Does the Pope do that?

I won't rant about their "religion" but the people I know that are in this quasi-cult are gripped by it. Even though they have been taken for all their savings and have run up huge credit card debts.

I'll probally get flamed for this post but...I have my second amendment to protect my first. Ain't this a great country?

What happened was that members of the "church" investigated the IRS investigators and dug up anything and everything on them. They then sued each invovled IRS employee individually (revenue agents, auditors, attorneys, etc) and did what else they had to do to publicly embarrass those individuals. Additionally, they sued the IRS and threatened to tie them down in lengthy litigation. Given those tactics, which are normal for the "church" against any and all detractors, the IRS caved in. I don't think Bill can be blamed for this one.

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