Wives of the founders...?


New member
Awright, SameShot, ya started something.


TR, m'lady (ok, she's not my spouse, but I'm working on that) indeed supports the right to bear arms for defense and sport.

Me : "What do you want to do?"
Her: "Go shooting!"

Me : "What do you want for your birthday?"
Her: "A gun!"

And so on.

Being from a zero-gun country (Korea), she sees value in the total removal of guns from society (Korea has almost no gun violence...and every male is well trained in Tae Kwan Do, and the legal system is not forgiving of criminals). But being now in a country not so deeply rooted in disarmament, she wants one for defense, and is pissed that Arizona won't let non-citizens carry handguns concealed.

[This message has been edited by ctdonath (edited August 02, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by ctdonath (edited August 02, 1999).]
Ok, in light of Menos post (Are you ready for this? ... which BTW, I'm ready) I spent some time with the family this weekend, and began thinking. (yes, that's what that smoke was about)...

In discussing current events with my wife, she tends to not be very interested. To put it bluntly, she's just not very political. She tends to vote along constitutional lines (for lack of a better term) but other than that, she just doesn't pay attention to what is happening out there.

How many of us here, have wives/SO's that are like that?

Well, this made me think, I was wondering what Martha thought about George, traipsing all over the eastern seaboard fighting with the British. What did Mrs. Hancock say to John, when he came homw and said, "I signed a paper that will surely bring war to the colonies"?

I know there were many great women during that period, but what about the "common housewife"?

And then, what does *your* spouse think of all this political/2nd amendment "stuff"
Ok, she got a twin? ... I might get rid of the one I have for one that goes shooting with me :) ... not really, but I wish I could simply get her a bit more involved...
I was hoping that you could show your spouse some pictures of women who are pro-gun.

uh...but... I think you may have to edit your message before you show her this thread!

I'll edit this one to if ya do ;-)

Same Shot, Different day
SameShot ... I think perhaps I've miss spoken, but it isn't that my wife is anti-gun, she is very pro and can logically think through all the possible reasons why the 2nd is important.

It is, rather, that I am sure there were wives of the Founding Fathers that weren't into the whole political scene like thier husbands were. Wives that compared to ours wouldn't go to the range, not because they disagreed with it, it just wasn't thier "thing".

I guess, from what we know, Martha Washington supported George by staying home and raising the kids...being a good hostess when George brought home another of his radical friends, etc... but what about Mrs. Adams, Mrs. Hancock, Mrs. Henry?

I'm sure they weren't in the trenches with thier husbands, but in that day and age they probably made quilts, and other things needed by the troops.

To be sure, some of our wives are *willing* to fight along side us, should it happen, but do we have a group of wives, husbands, children, etc... that are able, trained to stay behind and reload ammo, make MRE's, and make various other supplies a group of people in the field would need? And what does one do with someone that has absolutely no passion for either side?

You still haven't answered if she has a sister :) ... Thanks for the replies anyway.

I've been trying to place the face -- has anyone mentioned that Jessica looks a lot like Paulina Porizkova?

ubi ignes est?
TR, actually you are wrong.
It is *I* that mis-spoke.
What I should have said is that posting the pics may help get other women into shooting.
My Bad.

Is that a Glock your women is shooting?
If so, what model? Looks like a 26.

Yes she's been told that, but I personally don't have a clue who that is.

Cheers! :)

Same Shot, Different day
SameShot - I thought you were talking about TR's "she got a twin?" remark. I'd sure edit that out, fiseyou. I once traded my wife for a locking D carabiner at a rock climbing meet, in jest of course, but even 30 years later she still gets historical about it! ;)
SameShot, she's using a G17.

First time I took her shooting was fun. She fired the Ruger MkII .22 a few times, grinned, and said "bigger gun!" Out came the G17; a magazine or two later she handed it back, grinned, and said "bigger gun!" Pumped a batch of .223 thru the AR-15, grinned, "bigger gun!" "That's all I've got!" "Awww!" and fired a hundred more rounds.

I wanna keep her!

TR, I'll have to ask her in more detail about the scenario you raise. Being a foreigner (5 year resident), she may not be particularly aware or enthralled by current controversies.
Someone mentioned Mrs. Henry...oddly enought, I believe she went insane, and Patrick Henry kept her straitjacked in the cellar. At least that's what I've read.
Don't be so hard on your wife. While your passions may lie in politics, she obviously has other interests. Couples have common bonds, but the best marriages are those with diversities. My husband and I both like cars and restoring them, but on the other spectrum we both have very different hobbies. I'm interested in learning more about firearms and staying physically fit. He has trouble seeing why either one of these activities would be of interest to me, just as I have trouble understanding his fascination with sports! While it is great to share some of the same interests, don't expect her to be totally entertained with everything you do. If she's anything like me, curling up with a good book, sure beats watching a Senate debate. :) :)
Nice pictures guys!

Well, I am not *really* disparaging my wife's lack of passion for all the same things that I have ... I know she has a passion for Elizabethan liturature, which I do not. Nor do I expect that we have everything in common (I would *hope* I've figured that out after 15 years).

I am simply wondering, surely there must have been *some* wives that said something like "Aaron, sometimes I swear, you carry on about this taxation and gun control stuff way too much! You got to stop! you're going to get into trouble talking about King George that way!" and I wonder, how did they deal with it. On the verge of the War of Independance, a group of otherwise ordinary men, gathered together to conspire against the Crown! ... how would thier wives react? how would they respond to thier wives concerns?

I guess I'm at a point where it's all fine and dandy to say, "Give me liberty or give me death!" but when the rubber meets the road, I know I need to determine exactly what I will do with my wife and child if TSHTF. Anyone here have thoughts on this? Or would like to disclose what they are planning to do, should the unthinkable, happen? (Of course, this kinda leaves out SameShot and the others...)

[This message has been edited by TR (edited August 04, 1999).]
I'm obviously not a marriage counselor and I hope you do not find my opinions preposterous. What I can do is share the different trials that my marriage has gone through from a woman's perspective. Living with the same man for 13 years and married to him for 10, I feel I may have a little insight into your situation. Although our hurdles of marriage may be totally different, they are in many ways alike.

My husband after 18 years of job security, wishes to "broaden his horizons" by purchasing a two million dollar business. Along with this major life decision comes the fears of bankruptcy, stress involved with starting such a large business, and losing medical insurance on our daughter, who is very ill. In addition to this, I too wish to broaden myself by starting a new career.

Am I scared of all these changes? Oh hell yes. Will I support him in whatever he decides to do? Oh hell yes. Ten years down the road, am I afraid I will no longer have a marriage? Yes I am. The only option that my husband and I have is to attempt our goals and support each other the best we can. By not supporting one another, individuality in our marriage will be lost. If I were to tell him that I was scared of losing everything, our home, and our security, do you think he would continue his endeavors? No, he would not. If he believed that I was scared he would back out in a heartbeat just to please me. I have to bury those fears and let him know that I support him. It's his life and his happiness. Yes, marriage is a partnership, but it is also keeping both partners happy. By not letting him do what he believes in, I risk his happiness.

I think your wife supports you more than you think. She may not always appear to be listening or caring, but when it comes time for sh*t to hit the fan, as you say, she will be there supporting you.

As far as comparing wives to women in the past, I have a problem there. Times have surely changed. I truly believe Martha may have verbally given George advice and stressed her fears for his safety. Did she try to hinder him? Well, obviously she didn't.

Do you know what I believe?
I believe behind every strong male leader is a wife who is equally as strong. :)

Best of Luck Always,

[This message has been edited by LadydeeJ (edited August 04, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by LadydeeJ (edited August 04, 1999).]