Without a paddle

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New member
Things have been crazy as of late. Gotta pick pieces of myself up a bit. Car broke down Thursday night so i couldnt make it to work, and then today after i got it out of the shop i was driving home on the highway and lost all power steering and brakes, then it just shut off and wouldnt start again. I work at 4am, so there went work for tomorrow so i called work and told em about it and……they fired me. So now the whole no job, no money, bills due thing is starting to get a little scary for me, not gonna lie. Its suppose to be my last semester of gunsmithing school here and of course its gotta be now that the brown stuff hits the whirrly thing. I dont know what to do so i guess im asking advice. Anyone been here? Dont have much of a credit rating so a loan is out of the question……got too many of them anyways….:(


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Been there, done that. Immediately cancel your cable TV, expensive phone, that kind of thing. Start cooking at home instead of eating out. Quit smoking if you smoke. Quit alcohol if you use it. You know the drill. The finances on those things take a while to turn up but things are easier without the little drains on the bank account. If a bicycle won't get you to school and back, get a $500 car or a scooter and a new job, any job, to get you through school and keep the bills paid. Or find a buddy with a spare car to loan you.

Get your wheels under you and get new work, fast. If anyone owes you money, start asking for some repayment, all or some. Sell any excess stuff you can live without for some cash.

And relax, you're not the only one to have stuff happen to them.
kilamanjaro gave some great advice on how to stop the bleeding.

I would also suggest reaching out to family, churches, etc for financial assisstance. Talk to your landlord/mortgage holding bank and let them know what's going on. The sooner they know, the more they can work with you.

Look at some of the crowdfunding sites to help keep bills paid-www.gofundme.com being one of the more reputable. While it stings the pride to ask for help, getting a head start now is gonna help keep this from blowing up too much.

Our thoughts/prayers are with you.
Since we live in the same State. Check out your local State Unemployment office. If you were considered a full time employee and have pay stubs proving so. You should be able to collect off your previous employers account. I suspect the office is in either Pine City or Mora. Other than Unemployment Insurance you have one more option. County help. Don't worry neither will let you starve and will give you a helping hand up to get you back on track. Good Luck Sir.
I hear ya, last month, I was laid off from my job at YHM. My vehicle runs good enough, but the engine light is on and I need a new inspection sticker in March. I have been collecting UA, but I don't want to roll with that for too long. I would love to land another job at a firearms maker, but that doesn't seem too likely. I guess we can only keep on keepin' on.
Life has thrown a shovel full of $#it in many of our faces lately, Keep Your head up, and it shall pass.
All good advice, if it's non essential stop doing it if it costs money.if it is essential look to do it cheaper. Take any job you can get to keep you going. Pasta and cereal are cheap..but most important keep up your spirits, be positive you will find something, be regimented about your search. Everyday apply for 2-5 jobs. Search all the job boards, network with people you know and let them you need work, check all sources for work, Craig's list, newspapers, monster etc..get a resume together and be positive no matter how long it takes. Everyone has been there, you're not alone. Good luck.. It will turn..
See if whoever worked on the car will take another look.
It could be nothing more than a fuel pump fuse.
The steering and brakes merely quit when the engine did, as they are engine driven.
Don't panic quite yet.
Talk to the human resource department where you work.
They might have a solution, like not firing you for not being able to get to work for a couple of days.
There probably are laws protecting from this kind of stuff.
While I sympathize with your plight (most of us have been in similar situations at one time or another), the rule for the forum is "Posts must be firearm related". And this isn't.

so, closed.
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