witch would you choose?AR or HK


New member
HEY GUYS:GUNNUTS HERE,Witch rifle would you choose a AR15 type or a HK SL8-1?the AR would be one of the post-ban higher priced models but not over $1100.00:rolleyes:
AR for the Americans since they have far more spareparts and accessories. Here in Switzerland - neither. I'd either keep my SIG 550, get another SIG 510, or get an AR as last resort.

Mussi, is it true that in switzerland there are strict ammunition laws that require you too keep the gun unloaded? I would probably choose the AR, only reason is i know how to shoot it properly and work it properly.
My vote is for the HK.

I have never owned one but from what I seem to remember the SL8's are AR accurate and AK tough
Using your military service firearm to kill a burglar is a bad idea, but inside your home, you can keep all guns loaded, no problem. Carrying a gun loaded outside your home is considered unlawful, but then so many people CCW without permit and so few people are charged with illegally carrying a gun that this point is IMO moot.

We don't have specific ammo laws down here - almost everything is legal unless it's steel core, but even that is not really difficult to circumvent if one knows how.
HEY DESTRUCTO6:GUNNUTS HERE,If I got the SL8-1 I'd be changing the stock sightrail to a G36 rail,and put on a semore or holo sight or 1.5 power scope,or the G36 forearm witch has the rail on the bottom for a lazer sight,then go with the G36 toprail and carry handle witch is much shorter than the stock SL8 toprail it looks a lot better,I agree the stock SL8 sightrail looks BAD!:barf:
As much as I love H&K rifles, if I had to choose between THAT H&K and an AR, I'd take the AR.

We dun't want no steenking 10 round mags.