Wish Me Luck!


New member
I have to go to my Dept's range tomorrow for annual firearms qualification. I have to qualfy with my issue sidearm (Glock 21), my M4, Shotgun, amd my off-duty/ back-up Kahr 9mm. There is also a timed stress course that combines shotgun/rifle/ Glock and alot of runnung. I'm on the list for Sgt. and in the running for Sniper or Firearms Instructor School, so it's really in my best interest to do well. Wish me Luck!

Last minute advice also welcome. .
Can't say that I have any advice but it sounds like a great way to spend a day :) Sniper and Firearms Instructor School both sound good, too. Good luck and let us know how it comes out.
Good luck! Self-induced stress is one of the hardest to overcome, so the only advice I would humbly offer is to try and keep from worrying about the scores and just let things happen naturally. Front sight, press.

The night before i an IDPA match, i like to stand in my living room in my boxers and practice from the low ready, raise the gun up and get a quick sight picture and dry fire. Once u practice enough, every time you bring the gun up, the front sight is centered and level with the rear sights.

Muscle memory, muscle memory, muscle memory.
Warning, sarcasm ahead...

Ignore DanV, if you show up for a test in your underwear there's no way they'll promote you to sergeant, much less make you a sniper! :p

...End sarcastic message

Honestly, I think DanV makes a good point. Muscle memory is important and dry-firing makes for good practice. When I did my brief competitive air rifle shooting in high school I liked going through my shooting positions at home to get my body settled into where it needed to be. Even now, just before I'm going to the range or out to hunt I like to get the weapon(s) I'm using and move through shooting positions with them. It seems to help me get my mind set on what I'll need to do.
Best of luck,

Try to relax and breathe deeply before you begin, think ahead and you'll have plenty of time to get your sights on target and a smooth trigger pull.

I shot 289 out of a possible 300 with my Glock today. Right now that puts me at #2 in the department. Depending on how the rest of the guys shoot tomorrow and Wednesday, I'll probably drop a few places. Did fine with the M4, Shotgun, and my Off Duty. The weather up here in central NY was perfect. Had a lot of fun and got 3hrs overtime as well. :)

Thanks Again.
You're a few hours too late with that good luck.

Thanks anyhow, It's never too late for good advice. I have a night shoot in a few weeks anyhow. :)
Too late also but congrats. When I got stressed out at the NTI and other FOF stuff, I was given advice about stress reducing breathing techniques. Dave Grossman describes them in his book but it's available lots of places and they do work.

My first run, when done - I was told - Glenn - take a breath - you are blue.