Wish me luck boys!


New member
About 26 hours from when I posted, I'll be starting my prom night. The luck is to make sure she is happy, has a good time, and I don't run into any anti's running off at the mouth. I'll tell ya fellas, I won't put up with it, not even on prom night. I'll enter into dialogue right there with that anti! No worries, I'll represent the pro-gun group very well. Another area I'll need some luck (or as we Christians call it -- Providence) is safety. It can get pretty wild at times (especially driving on the same roads as all those bloody drunkards). So wish me luck boys!

Oh and to all you ladies on this forum: don't worry, she's only a friend. ;)

Which part did you want the luck on?

Getting to know the young lady as a lady? Or just knowing her?

Sincerely, create an enjoyable, respectful experience that you will treasure. For that I wish you all the luck in the world!


"When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
Safety first. And I do mean that in more than one context...


NRA? Good. Now joing the GOA!
I've noticed there are more drunks on the road after closing time than before. Unless you're heavy into "Last Dance", you can always suggest to Sweet Thing that it's safer if you leave a bit early.

What you do after that is none of my business.

:), Art
You brutes...there'll be too much watching of Monty Python to have any of that going on. :D Sheesh...go clean your guns or whatever the gun-equivilant of a cold shower is. Safety in that I won't run into an anti that is too much larger than I am.

"No worries, I'll represent the pro-gun group very well."
Based on everything you've written here in the past Hueco there is no doubt in my mind but what you will do that extremely well.
Have fun and please be careful. Prom night is far more danerious than guns. Seriously. :(


TFL End of Summer Meet, August 12th & 13th, 2000
"Prom night is far more dangerous than guns."

I know that all too well. Unfortunately, all the people "out there" are not like all the people on this forum. God knows I wish they were though. You guys are like the *sniffle* society I never had. :D Gunslinger, to hear that you respect me enough to speak such words of encouragement is outstanding. Makes me just want to go outside and recite the Bill of Rights at the top of my lungs and sing the "Star Spangled Banner!" It's a shame that there are so few real Americans left, but such a joy to have this forum where I can mingle with the remnants (and restorers) of that once great country call the United States. Long live Freedom, for I love it!!
May you and the young lady have a memorable evening together.
As for luck, I don't think you'll need it... :)

...defend the 2nd., it protects us all.
No fate but what we make...
Hueco - Quit jawing and get to it! Don't you have a tux or something to lever yourself into? You only have until tomorrow night ya know. :D

Seriously, have a great time. Your date is a very lucky gal.

Kids these days

(deserve a lot more respect)!

Hueco, have an evening both you and your date will be proud of and remember for a lifetime.

Good Luck to you both.
Thanks guys, I knew I could count on ya. Maybe I'll post a picture from the prom and give you all a look at the monster himself. :D


That's an odd handle.

Anyway, my prom night ate big chalupas. It was the worst. I ended up getting into a car accident with a couple of hoodlums. I finally got home in the wee hours, scared and tired. Oh yea, I forget to tell that my date told me she went with only to be close to her girlfriend.

So many pistols, so little money.
Well my night went a little bit better than your prom night. I was very well behaved and never even had the chance to attack any anti's all night. I'll bet out of the 200 or so people there, I was one of maybe 5 or 6 pro-gun people. It was a dance hall full of lemmings! :mad:


(Tecolote, short for Hueco Tanks -- my dream climbing area that TX state parks closed to climbing. Again -- :mad :)