Wish him luck!


New member
Tomorrow, my son shoots his first match, of his last year in 4H shooting sports. He has not had a lot of time to practice, but managed a 96 in prone yesterday. His standing and kneeling are not near as good, but I think he will finish respectable. My fingers are crossed for him.
He did ok, especially considering that I only have had the team together twice
for practice. The 4H Shooting Sports starts with the school year, but due to football season and hunting, I don't get them together until January. My son placed 3rd, and the 2 kids who beat him have been practiceing since September. They were shooting the same scores he shot at the end of last season, so I think he will catch them in a couple of months. The senior team, with my son, took a second place trophy, but his was the only individual award. My juniors did not fare as well, but I think they will improve dramatically in the next few weeks. Thanks for the encouragement.