Wisconsin Voters - Notice


New member
Courtesy note to WI residents: If you did NOT receive your orange NRAPVF (http://www.nrapvf.com/) notice in the Mail here it is;

“…vote for Michael Gableman for WI Supreme Court on Tuesday, April 1.”

Quote: "His opponent, Louis [Loophole Looo-eee] Butler, has a track record of casting the Court’s deciding vote in cases that arrogantly overturned voter-approved constitutional protections. In 2006, Butler was even part of the 4-to-3 majority that denied a citizen the right to carry a firearm for self-defense.”

As a resident in 1 of only 2 rights infringed states in the Union, here is an opportunity for you to take one more step towards winning the fight against gun rights ignorance. VOTE GABLEMAN.

Side-note: If you are in Milwaukee County, re-elect SCOTT WALKER for County Executive, his opponent is a complete fool with ludicrous gun-control positions and is so far left she can’t even stand-up straight.