Wisconsin/Molson-Coors Shooting


New member
> at least seven people were killed — including a gunman/ suicide
> . . . The shooter was armed with two handguns, one with a silencer...
> ....an employee who had been fired earlier in the day [stolen name-tag]

The Gentle Readers can guess what will come next.
(and it didn't take long)
... and...
(It is interesting how quickly this last one went totally off the rails.....)
It seems like they are holding back details on the gun for some reason, though some articles say it was silenced. Almost sounds like either a real gun friendly police force trying not to make it another black gun outrage or there is some benefit to not sharing the info, ie shooter was prohibited and they don't want anyone covering their tracks as far as supplying him with it.
I thought I read an article late yesterday that said he had two guns, and that one of them was surpressed.

It looks like shooting everyone within range when you get fired or laid off is becoming the new norm in the United States. It's the guns' fault, of course. There's no need for psychologists and sociologists to waste time or effort wondering why this happens.
Wonder what Molson-Coors rules are on CCW?
Safe to assume that their employee handbook forbids weapons on premises. The supposedly was more than 1,000 employees present at the time of the shooting. In this day and age, a company that size most likely has an active shooter insurance policy, and has procedures in place for such an event. Their employees and management have undoubtedly had training for what to do. Run and hide is the tactic insurance companies tend to gravitate towards.
Even if employees are walked out of the building, there is little that can be done to prevent these kinds of tragedies unless the facilities are really locked down. Even if the facilities are locked down, there have to be armed guards to respond to threats. Most businesses do not have the funding to respond to this kind of threat.

The shooting in Virginia Beach was at a government building the shooter was able to kill 12 people before he was killed in a shootout with police. Having a gun free work place makes it impossible to defend yourself.
It looks like shooting everyone within range when you get fired or laid off is becoming the new norm in the United States.

it's hardly new, the phrase "going postal" is decades old and came about because of post office workers flipping out and killing co-workers.

Its a cultural thing, too. In the US people usually use guns when they do it. In Japan, the fired employee (who is also more socially disgraced than in the US) usually uses an edged weapon, knife or sword. They frequently murder their family, and then, themselves, at home, rather than going to the workplace or out in public.

I've heard (no way to know the truth of it) that it was (is?) so common in Japan that they didn't count it in their crime statistics, until fairly recently.

Generally speaking, crimes committed with guns are not to be considered "firearms related" enough for this forum. And, really, that's all this is. Tragic, and sad, but is it really a topic for discussion, here??
Dan O'Donnell said on his show that he knows the name of the perp and looked him up on the CCAP criminal search site in WI and the person was arrested twice, but not for anything that would have put this guy on a "Red Flag" list.

No law is going to stop this kind of stuff from happening.

God bless the families and friends of the folks that lost their lives in this senseless tragedy.
Based on the continued lack of info there is more to the story..

Ie even the caliber isn't published.

Maybe it's just a wise police force, keeping details to a minimum so there is less to write about, but I think more likely there is an investigation ongoing.
A lot going on here;
... and yes..had chronic pain background ...

But one thing EVERYone who know him said "... uniform shock" they never saw it coming.

And of course the classic...
> ...both local officials and Democratic presidential candidates are already calling for
> changes to stop deadly mass shootings.
> “We know that our country needs to do more to prevent senseless gun violence,”
> Rep. Gwen Moore (D), who serves Wisconsin’s 4th District, wrote late Wednesday
> evening. “It’s a cruel irony that tomorrow marks the anniversary of the House passing
> legislation to expand background checks on guns, which is languishing in the Senate.”

Which of course... would have done absolutely nothing here.