Wisconsin, Mississippi, North Carolina Updates

Gary Slider

New member
A Draft Wisconsin Page has been added at Handgunlaw.us There are some blank areas in the information as the WI DOJ must write Administrative Rules on how they will implement the new law. They DOJ will also post a list of states that WI will honor. From the law the states must run a background check on the permit/license holder when they apply. The vast majority of states run background checks on those who do apply. WI will not have universal Recognition. Also the state will most likely put up web pages with information on how to apply, FAQ’s etc. As these links become available they will be added to the Wisconsin page. WI’s Carry Law will take effect 11/1/11.

North Carolina has passed a limited Parking Lot Storage Law. Governments can’t stop you from storing your firearm in a vehicle parked on their property. Again the law is limited to specific areas as mentioned in the law and does not cover all property. State Parks and Waters are not Off Limits to those with a Permit/License with the passage of the new law. These new laws do not go into effect in NC until 12/1/11

Mississippi passed a new law that would allow those with an endorsement who has had training from a National Firearms Org or other Recognized Org to carry in some places now listed as off limits. Problem is The Mississippi DPS has not followed the administrative procedures law which requires them to publish proposed rules and regulations and take public comment. The Mississippi DPS refuses to recognize any training completed before the law's July first effective date, and has yet to approve any instructors or courses. DPS Attorney Timothy Smith says the department decided to design its own training requirement quote: "because of liability concerns." So until this is ironed out and it might take a court case I would not carry into places under House Bill 506 even if you have the training as outline in the new law. This law was to become effective 7/1/11.
I want you to change your map on the home page to show Wisconsin now has CCW. I want Illinois to be that lone red state on there. Make them look bad as they are! ;)
Steve is on the road and very busy right now and he has to do that. It will be changed but not sure exactly when. Technically WI will not be Shall Issue until 11/1/11. IL will not be alone. DC no longer has issue in their law after Heller. They removed it because then there is no law to file a court case against.