Wisconsin - Help Needed - please read

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cougar gt-e

New member

I hope this doesn't violate rules on politics. It's about Wisconsin's
new Governor wanting input on what the people want him to do

As a resident of one of the only 2 states that don't have the
ability to legally Concealed Carry a firearm, I would like to have
that. Also a strong castle law (which we don't have either).

so, this post is to ask for your help in sending that message,
in large quantity, to the Wisconsin Governor Elect. This is a link
to a discussion where many options are listed for your cut and
paste pleasure;


Link for input;


Please please please -- help us !
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If you want some activism on this over at The High Road (sister site to this one really) they have a section on people getting into this stuff to help legislators understand.


I would be ELATED if WI got CC. I would definitely make it a point to move back, even though it's so nice west of the Rockies.
I firmly believe that WI will have CC in the next year. I am certain it will not happen immediately, but by the end of summer next year it should.

Yes, there are a lot of us that want WI to have CC but frankly, there are many more pressing issues that the legislature will be adressing come Jan.
More pressing issues than CC??:eek:

Maybe. But I can solve 94.28% of them by firing 68.4% of the state employees, eliminating their positions and functions --> that would take about a week tops. ;) My opinion, but there are truly few issues today that can't be solved by massive reductions in government.
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