Winter vs Summer Guns - Smart Move?

Cobra 4-6

New member
I recently picked up a Kimber Pro CDP and it's great. My plan is to use it year-round IWB. At one point, I thought of switching back and forth between the Kimber and one of my smaller pieces (Glock27, etc.) based on weather and clothing. It then occured to me that almost all my guns have a different manual of arms. Do I really want to have to remember which has the safety, which is DA, etc? Bottom line, I've decided to carry the Kimber year-round in a Milt Sparks VM2. I know lots of you guys do switch off. Am I being foolishly cautious? Is this making sense???
As I understand it, one of the reasons to switch guns with the seasons, is to go "up" in caliber during the winter months (ie; if you carry a 9mm in the summer, go to a .45 in the winter). The theory is that with the heavier winter clothing your hollow points can fill with material and not expand reliably, so the smaller bullets won't be as effective.
Since your already using a .45, that shouldn't be an issue. What you may want to be concerned about is your method of carry. With the layered clothing in the winter you may have a hell of a time getting to your IWB holster.

Luckily, I live in Florida so I'm not to experienced with that problem. Maybe some northeners can give you some carry tips for winter months.
Good luck!
Yes, it does make sense, at least to me, to keep all the firing controls in the same place and working in the same direction (up to safe, etc.) The progression of ammunition performance has finally gotten around to all but the most jaded having some faith that a quality hollowpoint at medium velocity will expand with some certainty even after going through some clothing, so summer/winter sidearms and ammunition is more of a personal preference than a necesity. My personal is an Officer's Model for light wear and a Government Model in cooler weather-it seldom gets below zero in north Texas, but if it did, I'd likely be looking for a coat with big pockets and a pocket holster to break up the outline. Seems that all of the major mfgrs make a small/medium/large version of their most popular models, so IMHO, pick the mfgr who makes what works for you best, and get a matching "little brother" to go with it!
I carry a #&# Model 66 in the winter in a jacket pocket and a Ruger P90 in the summer in an off body carry mode.
Different seasons dictate alternitive modes of carry.
I also switch PDW's depending on the season and clothing I'm wearing. I have for CCW a Beretta 92FS, Beretta Tomcat 32 and a Kimber 45 Ultra CDP.

What I generally do is practice more with the gun that I'm carrying at the time than with the others. That helps with familiarization problem of packing different guns at different times of the year.

[Edited by Las Vegan Cajun on 05-05-2001 at 01:12 AM]
All my semiautos that might get carried have the same controls. (Colt Combat Commander, Colt Gov't .380, and Kimber Ultra CDP). My other carry choice is a revolver. Not much problem keeping straight on which is which. ;)
Any more, the only switching off I do is between the East German, and the Bulgarian Makarov. Living in AZ, the "larger caliber so that it will go through heavy clothing in the winter" theory is moot. ;)
Switch off

I confess to switching off between summer and winter. The Kimber Ultra Carry is my summer gun, and when heavier clothing is comfortable I often carry a Colt Gov. Series 70 Mark IV. I don't change ammo for the seasons.

On the relatively rare occassions when dress requirements are such that the Kimber is too large, I go to a S&W Bodyguard with a belly band.

Fortunately (unfortunately?) I'm of an age and physic that limits my invitations to participate in events that call for swim suit attire, else I might have to invest in one of the little NAA Guardians.
That's the reason I carry the Beretta 32 Tomcat, I catch hell from some people for carrying a so called "Mouse Gun" but when I'm in shorts and T-shirt in 115 degree desert heat, concealment of the weapon under those conditions is the best I can do.
I only have one CCW and that is a PO P12-45.I live in the northeast and wear it year-round w/o any problems.I'd like to get a mouse gun but am a little leary about it.Two friends of mine carry a Tomcat and the other a Guardian.I was looking into a Glock 36 but they are not allowed to be sold here in MA so when going shirtless in the summer, I put my P12 in a Defender and wear it below the beltline.Slow draw but no printing.
I carry a Kimber Compact in the winter months and a S&W Model 60 in the summer time. I suppose individuals are different but I don't find the same manual of arms arugement very compeling. I've hunted with a variety of different weapons and never lost game because I forgot where the safety was, what the action of the gun was, etc. I think my hand, nerves, neurons, etc. know the difference wrapping around the revolver and the semi and know what to do with each. Of course, that also requires plenty of practice with each.


What's with the censorship around here? I posted a message to Pirate about "Mouse Guns" (aka Pocket Rockets) and it didn't last one day before it was deleted.

I'm new to this board and maybe I don't know all the rules, but I never thought that a post calling a small gun a "mouse gun" or "pocket rocket" would get zapped so quickly.

What other rules should I be aware of around here before I attempt to post another message?
I like to stick with one operational mode at a time. For instance, carrying a S&W auto routinely, then sudenly switching to a 1911 format could get very sticky in a critical incident. I like the "summer gun/winer gun" concept, though. Personally, I do the "around the house versus on the street" suffle, as well as the "going to the in-laws versus going to the bad part of town" change of equipment. Someone once suggested "color coordinated fashion" considerations...but that may be a bit too much, eh? Stay safe.