Windmill targets

Searched on this forum, searched some on google. Couldn't find anything.
Looking for the targets that spin like a windmill when you shoot them. Something that can handle 45s at least.
Have you tried Brownell's? If you see something that looks something like it go to that manufacturer's site.

Not like that, The ones I am talking about have 5 or six arms and spin just like a windmill when you shoot them. THe targets are always visible and in a position where you could shoot them. Big Darby Creek Shooting range in West Jefferson Ohio has one.
$664 each from MGM Targets.
exactly. Thank you.

Actually not exactly. The one I have seen has targets that do not have to be reset. The targets are angled such that the rounds are deflected down right and the thing just spins.
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Now you have links to a few sites that you can go to and browse and you can also call the range you saw them at and ask them. Is there any other work you have to be done that we can do for ya?

Well, actually, I talked to the owner about 2 years ago about it and he said he could get me one for $1300 and sort of indicated it was custom made, although he was not very forthcoming. A greatly inflated price. It seemed simpler than those shown here.

I want it for a club about 10 minutes from his location, so i can't really blame him for defending his turf. Our club is a lot cheaper than his range and his advantage is his superb targets and 300 yard range. We are trying to close the gap on both.

I appreciate the links. They led me to the term "texas star" which led me to many other resources, although none are exactly the same. The design I saw, by my memory, would seem to deflect shots at the bottom target up and left which seems somewhat dangerous for public use. Maybe no one manufactures them. Maybe I will stop by sometime and pay $20 to take a second look. See how it works with my GP100 and if I can keep it spinning while reloading.

And actually, if you could build me one as described, It would be greatly appreciated. I could provide money for materials and shipping and several rough sketches of the design. :)

Thanks all.
I shoulda added a smiley face to my previous post.

If you can't find one like it on line send me a pic and the dimensions of the original and I'll take a whack at building you what you'd like (or at least think on it some).

Send me a pm if interested.
