wind and coyotes


New member
OK, I'm gonna give this dog calling business a whirl. The one's I kill are victims of opportunity, anytime I go on purpose for coy's, notta.

What kind of wind set up do you like best? Surely you've gotta be downwind. Talked to a guy the other day who'd killed 5 at a sit, in a cross wind set up w/ calling and bait, and a barn for concealment.

Can't believe that "looks right" would work to often.
Coyotes use their nose a LOT. When they come in looking for an easy meal, they generally won't circle upwind of where they believe the rabbit is; they'll just naturally circle to the downwind side if there's any doubt about where that meal is, 'cause they see a whole other world with that nose.

My airedales do the same thing when looking for a wounded coyote. They circle to the downwind side, and turn into the wind when they smell it. The difference with a coyote is that it's going to smell you, and it's going to turn the OTHER way when it does. You're goal is to get a shot before that happens.

A simple bark, "aaat", or yip from your voice is usually enough to stop a coyote briefly for a shot, but be ready to shoot when you do it 'cause the opportunity won't last long.

Keep that in mind when you set up for a calling stand. They can't smell you from upwind, so if they can't see you (good camo) then they'll either come in close, or circle downwind to get a "sniff" of whatever they're looking for.

You need to be able to shoot in that direction to kill the coyote if/when it circles that way. For me, I'm right handed, and so shoot better to my left than to my right, so I like to have a cross-wind from right to left, with enough open ground in that direction to allow me to shoot a coyote.

With that in mind, also keep in mind that you want to approach the area where you believe coyotes are from the downwind side. You can't have your scent blowing through the area where the coyotes are, but you need to be set up to hsoot the coyote when the tables turn and it starts hunting YOU.

Another airedaleman

You betcha!


Understand wind, as I'm a rabid whitetailer/bow guy. Just never thought too much about applying it to coys, which shows why I don't get any contacts on coy hunts. Will keep y'all posted.
In my experience, the best breeze for coyote calling is no breeze at all. Where I live, we have pretty calm mornings from first light until about 9 AM or so (usually). The calm combined with the morning magic usually gives me about three times the amount of success that I get later in the day. jd