Winchester Stainless Marine 12g pump

Barnacle Brad

New member
So I have this really cool shotgun - er well my WIFE inherited this really cool shotgun and it has her dads name engraved across the left side of the receiver. Should I be looking for a receiver to replace it? I don't want the value of it to suffer if or when it gets a new owner.

Will a picture help?

If anyone has any resources for that type of gun part, or ideas to address it, I would be really interested.

Like JWT say's why part with the gun. It is something to pass down to your kids or someone else in the family.

What model of Winchester is it?
If I had a gun with anybody's name scrawled on it I would have to refinish it if possible or it would have to go. I don't know who started that stupid idea but they should be shot.
If I had a gun with anybody's name scrawled on it I would have to refinish it if possible or it would have to go. I don't know who started that stupid idea but they should be shot.

It was probably started by someone who wanted to deter a theft or wanted a fighting chance of getting his gun back if it were stolen. Someone who used the weapon as a tool and wasn't obsessed with its appearance.
But, to answer OP's question, a "new receiver" would be considered the same as a firearm under Federal law, so it is doubtful that you would find one for sale from Winchester direct to you.

Your best option if you absolutely have to do away with the name, would be to find a junker or incomplete gun that had a an intact receiver. However, I agree with the other posters who said keep it as a remembrance. It did belong to your wife's father; Don't make a big deal out of it.

BTW: The receivers are not stainless steel; They are silver anodized aluminum.

You guys don't know me well enough to know that I don't get rid of guns!

But I am mere flesh and the gun is steel.

The heirs who would remember the man whose name is inscribed are thin and must be found worthy to inherit it.

Whats more is that my wife might want to liquidate my collection and hers as well. To that I say more $$ is better!!

I thought is was worth asking the question and I appreciate the responses!
If it is solid stainless, a good gunsmith could get it off, but it might cost more than the gun is worth. For sure the value is greatly reduced with that on it. I had a friend who inherited a Model 12 his Grandfather had done that to, and he had it removed and in fact had the whole gun refinished. You would never know it had a mark on it now.
If it is solid stainless, a good gunsmith could get it off, but it might cost more than the gun is worth.

It's not solid stainless steel. As I said in a previous post, the receivers are silver anodized aluminum.

The store I worked at in Miami in the 80s was an authorized Winchester dealer, and we sold plenty of the these to boaters, as there were quite a few incidents of modern day "piracy" in the Bahamas.
I couldn't remember if they were stainless or not, and I missed your comment. Mossberg and Remington have made marine guns too and they were all different. A buddy used to carry one for sharks off NC, but I thought it was massive overkill.
The store I worked at in Miami in the 80s was an authorized Winchester dealer, and we sold plenty of the these to boaters, as there were quite a few incidents of modern day "piracy" in the Bahamas.

My father-in-law had this on his sailboat for that reason in northern Puget Sound BC. The Mounties gave him a box of barrier penetrating tear gas and instructed him to load the following rounds in this specific order:
1) Tear Gas - to be shot into the cabin or wheel house of offending vessel
2) Buckshot - to hose down the emerging pirates on deck
3) Slugs - to put holes in the hull below the waterline

I don't know if there is a shelf life on tear gas, but I have the box the Mounties gave him...for wsttf or the the zombie pockyclipse...
My father-in-law had this on his sailboat for that reason in northern Puget Sound BC. The Mounties gave him a box of barrier penetrating tear gas and instructed him to load the following rounds in this specific order:
1) Tear Gas - to be shot into the cabin or wheel house of offending vessel
2) Buckshot - to hose down the emerging pirates on deck
3) Slugs - to put holes in the hull below the waterline

Good Lord! What piracy is there in British Columbia???

Boaters in the Bahamas would encounter a boat that was supposedly "dead in the water" asking for help. While distracted by the person in the "disabled" boat, the accomplices would silently board one's boat from the opposite side and commence to rob, loot, and even rape and kill. Afterwards, they would either sink the boat to destroy evidence or take it back to one of the more remote islands in the Bahamas and repaint, etc., to disguise it.

This is why the stainless Winchesters sold like hotcakes at the time.

One of my customers brought to me for cleaning a nice little Colt .32 auto that had been purchased in London from Harrods (and so marked) but had been exposed to salt spray and had pepper marks on it. He was out on his cabin cruiser in the Florida Straits (in international waters) when he was accosted by a Cuban gunboat.

The Cubans held them hostage for a week, took all their food, water and medical supplies, allegedly raped a couple of the women and, ironically, threw the Colt into a towed dinghy before they left. And all of this in INTERNATIONAL waters.
Good Lord! What piracy is there in British Columbia???

You're right, totally fabricated story! You caught me!!! Everyone knows the only pirates in the world exist in the Bahamas.

Thanks for sharing your stories...
Whats more is that my wife might want to liquidate my collection and hers as well.

So let me see if I understand.... you want to be ready to maximize the value of the "estate" in case your wife unilaterally decides to divorce and asks the court to liquidate everything?

Could you just have the whole receiver "stippled" to cover it up -sort of like turning an ex-girlfriend's name tattooed on your arm, into a skull?
Ahhhhh, ye olde worm food contingency plan.... Hmmm, that makes sense. Man I dunno. Maybe try to find a guy with the same name and sell it to him. I'm a big help, huh? :D