Winchester sight removal

Tom B

New member
How do you remove the original buckhorn sight from a Winchester 94 if you wish to install an aftermarket peep sight? Thanks.
I'm assuming you are talking about the rear ramp type sights. The cheapest way( without buying a sight pusher) is to pull out the elevating ramp. Then use a NYLON punch to "tap" the sight out of the dove tail. These punches are sold in a set for a few bucks from BROWNELLS. hold the punch at the base of the dove tail, and tap it to one side. If it dosen't move try the other way. They normaly come out easier the same way they went in.Be careful not to miss and WHACK the barrel!!! You may want to invest a few more bucks on a nylon hammer! All of these tools have many uses when it comes to firearms. Good luck!
(you may also want to order a dovetail blank, unless the peeps use the same dovetail)
I've always had best results clamping the barrel in a padded vise as close to the sight as possible. That will be right in front of the forearm. Then, using a brass punch drive out the sight from left to right as you stand to the rear of the gun.
Yes, but is the direction IMPORTANT?

I've read that as you stand behind the weapon, drift it LEFT to RIGHT?


I'm about to undertake this project mesef.

Left to Right ???

I've read that as you stand behind the weapon, drift it LEFT to RIGHT?
That is the common direction. However, If you don't know it's history then study the area and see it you can tell when direction was last used. I have seen some installed in the opposite direction. You can tell a lot by looking for signs that somebody left for you to read. A friend of mine once showed me his Grandfathers old SXS shotgun. I asked him is his Grandfather was let handed. His looked surprised how I knew. Pretty obvious. ….. :)

Be Safe !!!
With most all barrel dovetails, yes, direction is important. Always using direction from the rear of the firearm, drift from left to right.
I no longer use brass drift punches as they leave behind a hard to remove yellow smear. Copper works much better and the smear can be removed with bore solvent.
My factory installed model 94 rear "buckhorn" sight came out when drifted from the left towards the right . I also installed a Receiver "Peep" sight ... A Williams 5D .
The factory sight was not difficult to drift out...several light , firm taps did the job .
I didn't have to get a big hammer and pound on it .