Winchester "short rifle"

Paul B.

New member
I picked up an old Winchester Model 94 in 25-35 at a gun show. The man selling it said he did not know if it came from the factory as a "short rifle", or if someone had cut the barrel down. It has an octagon barrel, 20 inches in length, and a half magazine. According to the serial # I would estimate it's manufacture around 1910. I have Wilson's book, WINCHESTER, AN AMERICAN LEGEND, but there is no mention of a "short rifle". The muzzle has no crown, but other Winchester rifles (26 inch barrels)I owned had no crown either. Confusion reigns. In my case, it's a steady downpour. Thanks for any help you can give. My suspicion is somebody whacked the barrel off, but you never know.
Paul B.
According to my records the Model 94 you are describing came with a 26" barrel, either 7 shot or 4shot, (half magazine.) This rifle came in Solid frame or Take-down model.

The absence of a "Crown" is surprising to me, but would indicate as you had mentioned, barrel cut off. If there is a "Short Rifle" my records are incomplete. Possibly a note to Winchester could clear up the questions of the cut off barrels and the Short Rifle.

Could it be a 20" barrel carbine and someone cut down the magazine tube?

Does the short mag tube protrude from the forearm? How much? What does the end look like? Is there a band on the forearm (carbine) or a steel cap with two screws (rifle)?

You can't completely rule out a factory job, as at some times Winchester would build about anything a customer wanted.

I looked real close on the Magazine, and it certainly looks origional. It extends about 4 or 5 inches from the foreend, and holds 4 rounds. The barrel is octagon, so I don't think it was a carbine barrel. I appreciate the help gentlemen. I'll just keep on looking. Thanks a lot.
Paul B.


Winchester made a lot of oddities, but I think that gun has been "gunsmithed" somewhere along the line.

Paul B.,

Does the magazine have a band or any support or it just "hanging out"? Winchester short magazine guns have the magazine cap almost flush with the end of the forearm.
Jim. The forend has the rifle type metal end piece. The magazine extends 4 5/8s inches from the forend. I have seen other 94's with that length magazine, just not with the short barrel. I really doubt I have something rare. I,m just not that lucky. One good point about it, the bore is mint.
Paul B.
