Winchester or Marlin

Gosh Glock, you didn't say what you were going to use it for, hunting or cowboy shooting or what. If for cowboy shooting I'd go the .44 Magnum. For hunting the 30-30. As to which rifle? The Marlin has always felt a bit clubby to me, but I am of small build with small hands, so I am more comfortable with the Winchester. I have both and with peep sights on them they are about equal accuracy-wise. With the Winchester angle eject series both can be scoped, although I think a scope really looks like hell on a lever-action, and messes up yhe balance, for me at least. They're both good, so pick the one that feels best to you and have a ball.
Paul B.
Uh oh, do I hear a very large can of worms being opened? :)

FWIW: I'm a Winchester man myself. I've got nothing against Marlins, they're good rifles. But, for me the Winchester handles better plus they look like the traditional cowboy rifle.
Marlins are easier to mount a scope on. JMHO, putting a scope on a lever gun amounts to blasphemy. I wouldn't dream of it. However changing to a better open sight or a peep sight is a good idea.

As to the choice of caliber, it depends. If your shots will be 100 yards or less, get the .44 magnum (or my favorite, .45 Colt). The advantages are less recoil, wider variety of ammo, higher magazine capacity and it's much easier to reload for.
If your average shot will be 100 yards or more, The .30-30 is the hands down winner due to its better long range ballistics.

Ok, I'm puttin' on my asbestos underwear, so all you Marlin lovers flame away! :)
I love my Winchester 94! It was my Grandmother's before she died. It does have a Tasco Golden Antler 4X scope on it that came installed from the factory. The rifle balances well without the scope, but I put it back on to keep it just as Grandma had it.

The Marlins are good rifles, too, but I just like the feel of the Winchester much better. Like one other person said, you can't really go wrong with either. Pick the one that feels best in your hands.
Sorry Marlin guys, but now it's 4 to zip for Winchester. I can honestly say I have had more fun with my Winchester '94 (45 Colt) than any other rifle I've owned. I love to shoot it even it is actually the least expensive rifle I have. About 3 weeks ago a friend had dug up an old storage tank on his property. We doing some plinking with the '94 and a Ruger Vaguero (also 45 Colt) and I asked if we could shoot at the tank. He took the first shot with the revolver and then an idea hit me. I took about 6 shots with the '94 and ended up with a perfect :) on the end of the tank (his one shot was the right eye). Easiest aiming rifle around, for me anyway. I also agree that anyone who scopes out a lever gun should have it taken away. After all Sitting Bull and Co. didn't have scopes and look what they did! ;)
Weelll...Bought a 94 Chief Crazy Horse Comem in .38-55, real cheap. Did some shooting with it, yesterday, at 270 yards and from some 250 feet above the target. Aimed at a rock some 20 feet behind the rock I was shooting at; couldn't see the target for the front sight and muzzle being in the way...
Pistol cartridges in a rifle probably have the same basketball trajectory...

Lotsa fun; wouldn't want to be in front of that old cartridge. Sure do need a tang-mounted peep sight!

Got a thutty-thutty 94; I'll try it, next. I'd guess it will shoot noticeably flatter.

They're fun!
I guess I'll step up for the Marlins. I don't much care for the idea of the Winchester puking it's guts out everytime I lever a round. The Marlin also has a shorter throw. My 1894 is about the easiest rifle I own to field strip and is simple to repair. I currently have in my safe five different variations of the 336 (one in .35 Rem), the 1894 (.44 Mag) and a Win 94.
I've had my 1894 for about 20 years now and must have put 8,000 - 10,000 rounds through it by now. It's still going strong.
Though I agree about the .44 vs 30-30 debate. There you're comparing pistol caliber ballistics to rifle caliber ballistics.

[This message has been edited by fal308 (edited April 12, 1999).]
I am a Marlin man. They offer a wider variety of rifles first of all-caliber and style. I like the straight grip models most. The action being closed is a big plus to me-keeps everything where it should be and all the crud out. In general I have found the Marlins to be more accurate as well-although at open sight lever gun ranges this is a small thing.